Showing results 1 to 20 of 84
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | Acute effect of kinesiology taping applied to adductor muscle group on endurance, strenght and agility in volleyball players | Altındal, Feyza; Büker, Nihal ; Başkurt, Zeliha; Özcan, Nadir Tayfun |
2021 | Adölesan idiyopatik skolyozlu bireylere ve ebeveynlerine verilen skolyoz eğitiminin etkilerinin incelenmesi | Oğuz, Gülsüm |
Dec-2010 | Artroskopik yardımlı mini-açık yöntem ile rotator manşet tamiri yapılan hastalarda fizyoterapi programı ile ev programının etkilerinin karşılaştırılması: Retrospektif çalışma | Büker, Nihal |
2011 | Artroskopik yardımlı mini-açık yöntem ile rotator manşet tamiri yapılan hastalarda gözetimli fizyoterapi programı ile ev egzersiz programının sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması | Büker, Nihal ; Kitiş, Ali ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray |
Jun-2019 | Asma davul çalan müzisyenlerin dominant ve nondominant üst ekstremitelerinde bazi fiziksel parametrelerin incelenmesi | Oğul, Bayram |
2011 | Assessing hand grip strength of upper extremities: A comparitive study | Altuğ, Filiz ; Büker, Nihal ; Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Cavlak, Uğur |
2022 | Change in orthopedics and traumatology admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic at a university hospital in Turkey | Ok, Nusret ; Savkin, Raziye ; Buker, Nihal ; Oztop, Mucahit; Yuce, Yucel |
2022 | A comparison of balance and fall risk in patients with unilateral and bilateral total knee arthroplasty | Tutunculer, Erman; Ok, Nusret ; Gungor, Harun Resit ; Bayrak, Gokhan; Savkin, Raziye ; Buker, Nihal |
2020 | Comparison of conservative treatment with and without neural mobilization for patients with low back pain: A prospective, randomized clinical trial | Kurt, V.; Aras, O.; Büker, Nihal |
2018 | Comparison of dynamic hip screw and proximal femoral nail in intertrochanteric femur fractures and cost analysis | Başkan, Mehmet Veysel ; Yörükoğlu, Ali Çağdaş ; Aydemir, Ahmet Nadir ; Büker, Nihal ; Ök, Nusret ; Demirkan, Ahmet Fahir |
Oct-2014 | Comparison of effects of supervised physiotherapy and a standardized home program on functional status in patients with total knee arthroplasty: a prospective study. | Büker, Nihal ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray ; Gökalp, Oğuzhan ; Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Ok, Nusret ; Kıter, Ahmet Esat |
2022 | Comparison of Local Anesthetic Injection and Exercise Therapy Results in Patients with Chronic Cervical Myofascial Pain Syndrome | Büker, Nihal ; Samut, Gülbüz; Çağlar Çavdar, Handan |
2020 | Comparison of short-term effects of deep transverse friction massage and extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis | Büker, Nihal ; Şavkın, Raziye ; Altindal, F; Tonak, HA |
2012 | Comparison of static and dynamic splinting regimens for extensor tendon repairs in zones V to VII | Kitiş, Ali ; Özcan, Ramazan Hakan ; Bağdatlı, Dilek ; Büker, Nihal ; Kara, İnci Gökalan |
Sep-2019 | Comparison of supervised exercise and home exercise after ankle fracture | Büker, Nihal ; Şavkın, Raziye ; Ök, Nusret |
2023 | Comparison of the effectiveness of late-phase clinic-based and home-based progressive resistance training in female patients with total knee arthroplasty | Alsayani, Khaled Yahya Abdullah; Aslan, Ummuhan Bas ; Bayrak, Gökhan ; Savkin, Raziye ; Büker, Nihal ; Güngör, Harun Reşit |
2011 | Comparison of the results of supervised physiotherapy program and home-based exercise program in patients treated with arthroscopic-assisted mini-open rotator cuff repair | Büker, Nihal ; Kitiş, Ali ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray |
2021 | Comparison of Two Different Applications of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Techniques to Increase Upper-Extremity Muscle Strength | Tonak, Hasan Atacan; Büker, Nihal ; Kitiş, Ali ; Kavlak, Erdogan |
2009 | Comparison of two methods of controlled mobilisation of repaired flexor tendons in zone 2 | Kitiş, Ali ; Büker, Nihal ; Kara, İnci Gökalan |
2013 | Değişik özür seviyesine sahip serebral palsili çoçuk annelerinin bel- boyun problemleri ve yaşam kalitesi | Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Altuğ, Filiz ; Büker, Nihal ; Cavlak, Uğur ; Kavlak, Havva Aylin |