Browsing by Author Caner, Vildan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Apelin effects on blood pressure and RAS in DOCA-salt-induced hypertensive ratsAkcilar, R.; Turgut, Sebahat ; Caner, Vildan ; Akcilar, A.; Ayada, C.; Elmas, Levent ; Özcan, T. Olgun
2009Campylobacter spp. and their antimicrobial resistance patterns in poultry: An epidemiological survey study in TurkeyCokal, Y.; Caner, Vildan ; Sen, A. ; Cetin, C.; Karagenc, N. 
2012Characterization of mono- and mixed-culture Campylobacter jejuni biofilmsIca, T.; Caner, Vildan ; Istanbullu, O.; Nguyen, H.D.; Ahmed, B.; Call, D.R.; Beyenal, H.
2018Characterizing the Association Between Toll-like Receptor Subtypes and Nephrolithiasis With Renal Inflammation in an Animal ModelOlcucu, M.T.; Teke, K.; Yalcin, S.; Olcucuoglu, E.; Caner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Tuncay, Ömer Levent 
2019Co-existence of multiple subclones in ETV6/RUNX1 at diagnosis of B-cell lymphoblastic leukemiaCaner, Vildan ; Sen Türk, Nilay ; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Albuz, Burcu ; Ay, Yılmaz 
2018Contribution of heme oxygenase 2 to blood pressure regulation in response to swimming exercise and detraining in spontaneously hypertensive ratsKılıç-Toprak, Emine ; Kılıç-Erkek, Özgen ; Abban-Mete, Gülçin ; Caner, Vildan ; Barış, İkbal Cansu ; Turhan, G.; Küçükatay, Vural 
2014Correlation of O6-Methylguanine DNA methyltransferase promoter methylation and clinicopathological parameters in bladder cancerÇetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Caner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Okur, V.; Can, O.; Eskicorapci, S. ; Tuncay, L. 
2008Detection of cytochrome P450-2A6, -3A5 and -4B1 with real-time polymerase chain reaction in prostate tissueZencir, S. ; Alptekin, D.; Celiktas, M.; Canturk, P.; Colak, D.; Caner, Vildan. ; Luleyap, U.H.
2008The detection of hipO gene by real-time PCR in thermophilic Campylobacter spp. with very weak and negative reaction of hippurate hydrolysisCaner, Vildan ; Cokal, Y.; Cetin, C.; Sen, A. ; Karagenc, Nedim 
2002Detection of infectious bronchitis virus in tracheal organ cultures using the immunoperoxidase techniqueŞen, A. ; Sönmez, G.; Caner, Vildan. ; Özyigit, M.O.
2009Determination of apoptosis and proliferation status in different immunophenotypic profiles of diffuse large B-cell lymphomaTürk, Nilay Şen ; Özsan, Nazan; Caner, Vildan ; Karagenç, Nedim ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Duzcan, E ; Hekimgil, M
2011Determination of apoptosis, proliferation status and O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase methylation profiles in different immunophenotypic profiles of diffuse large B-cell lymphomaTürk, Nilay Şen ; Özsan, N.; Caner, Vildan ; Karagenç, Nedim ; Düzcan, F. ; Düzcan, E. ; Hekimgil, M.
2011Determination of O-6-Methylguanine DNA Methyltransferase Promoter Methylation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer [Article]Ekim, M.; Caner, Vildan ; Büyükpinarbaşili, N.; Tepeli, E. ; Elmas, L.; Bagcı, Gülseren 
2011Determination of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase promoter methylation in non-small cell lung cancer [Conference Object]Ekim, M; Caner, Vildan ; Buyukpinarbasili, N; Tepeli, E ; Elmas, L; Bağcı, Gülseren 
2012The determination of relationship between "excision repair cross-complementing group 1" (ERCC1) gene T19007C and C8092A single nucleotide polymorphisms and clinicopathological parameters in non-small cell lung cancerKoç, Esin; Caner, Vildan ; Büyükpınarbaşılı, N.; Tepeli, Emre ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Bağcı, Gülseren 
2021Determination of the pathways of potential muscle damage and regeneration in response to acute and long-term swimming exercise in miceKilic-Erkek, Ozgen ; Caner, Vildan ; Abban-Mete, Gulcin ; Baris, Ikbal Cansu ; Bor-Kucukatay, Melek 
2019Determination of time-related muscle damage/regeneration and the pathways involved in response to swimming exercise in miceErkek, Özgen Kılıç ; Caner, Vildan ; Mete, Gülçin Abban ; Küçükatay, Melek Bor 
2018Diffüz Büyük B-hücreli Lenfoma Patogenezinde Tümör-kökenli Ekzozomların Fonksiyonal ÖnemiBağcı, Gülseren ; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan ; Tepeli, Emre ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Caner, Vildan 
2015The effects of apelin treatment on a rat model of type 2 diabetesAkcılar, Raziye; Turgut, Sebahat ; Caner, Vildan ; Akcilar, A.; Ayada, C.; Elmas, L.; Özcan, T.O.
2015Effects of Exercise and Detraining on Genes Involved in the Synthesis of Nitric Oxide, Carbon Monoxide in Spontaneously Hypertensive RatsToprak, Emine Kılıç ; Erkek, Özgen Kılıç ; Mete, Gülçin A ; Caner, Vildan ; Baris, Cansu ; Turhan, G; Kucukatay, V