Showing results 1 to 20 of 31
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021 | Aşı Tutumları Ölçeğinin Türkçe Formunun Geçerlilik ve Güvenirliliği | Ceylan, Sibel Serap ; Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Turan Türkan ; Ergin, Ahmet ; Akçay, Gürbüz |
2018 | Bebeklerin uyku güvenliği konusunda i·nternet verilerinin güvenilirliği | Turan, Türkan ; Erdoğan, Çiğdem |
2023 | Clinical Reflections of Social Media Use: A Review in Pediatric Nurses | Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Çamur, Zühal |
2020 | Çocuklarin Kendi Çizimleri ile Çocuk Yogun Bakim Ünitesi Deneyimleri | Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Turan, Türkan ; Pınar, Bakiye |
Nov-2015 | Denizli il merkezinde 0-12 ay arası bebeği olan annelerin ani bebek ölüm sendromu konusunda riskli davranışlarının belirlenmesi | Erdoğan, Çiğdem |
2023 | Determination of breast milk insufficiency perceptions of tandem breastfeeding mothers; A case-control study | Erdoğan Ç. ; Turan T. |
2023 | Determination of pediatric nurses’ knowledge of and attitudes towards childhood autism and CT recommendations | Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Turan, Türkan |
2022 | Determining the Attitudes of Midwifery and Child Development Department Students Towards Child Neglect and Abuse Reporting and Solution Suggestions | Çamur, Zühal; Erdoğan, Çiğdem |
2023 | The effect of breast milk temperature on feeding intolerance in tube-fed preterm infants: A randomized controlled study | Çamur, Z.; Erdoğan, Çiğdem |
2024 | The effect of massage and bathing on bilirubin levels in newborns with hyperbilirubinemia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials | Çamur, Z.; Erdoğan, Ç. ; Akyıldız, D.; Karamelikli, E. |
2020 | The effect of maternal voice for procedural pain in paediatric intensive care unit: A randomised controlled trial | Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Turan, Türkan ; Pınar, Bakiye |
2023 | The effect of training about child sexual, physical and emotional abuse | Erdogan, Cigdem |
2022 | The Effects of Breastfeeding and Breast Milk Taste or Smell on Mitigating Painful Procedures in Newborns: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials | Camur, Zuehal; Erdogan, Cigdem |
2023 | THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 PHOBIA ON ABUSE OF CHILDREN BY PARENTS | Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Ceylan, Sibel Serap ; Turan, Türkan |
2023 | Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning Given to Nursing Students for the Developmental Care of Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | Erdoğan, Çiğdem ; Turan, Türkan |
2022 | Factors Causing Mothers to Shake Their Babies Between 1-4 Months: A Descriptive Study | Erdo?an Ç. ; Ceylan S.S. ; Turan T. |
2021 | Hemşirelik İntörn Öğrencilerinin COVID-19 Şüpheli Çocuk Hasta İçin Belirledikleri Hemşirelik Tanılarının İncelenmesi | Ceylan, Sibel Serap ; Turan, Türkan ; Erdoğan, Çiğdem |
2017 | Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin cinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonlar konusundaki bilgi düzeyleri ve görüşleri | Turan, Türkan ; Erdoğan, Çiğdem |
2022 | The Impact of Breast Milk Taste and Smell in Reducing Pain in Infants Undergoing Blood Drawing Procedure: A Randomized Controlled Study | Erdogan, Cigdem ; Camur, Zuhal |
2021 | Investigation of the Effect of Infant Sleep Safety Education on Nursing Intern Students | Ceylan, Sibel Serap ; Turan, Turkan ; Erdogan, Cigdem ; Ceylan, Selim |