Browsing by Author Durusu Çiftçi, Dilek

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Asymmetric effects of exchange rate on bilateral tourism trade balance: evidence from TurkeyÖlmez, Fevzi; Durusu-Çiftçi, Dilek 
2019Convergence of Crime in Turkey: Time Series Analysis with Accounting Structural BreaksDurusu-Çiftçi, Dilek ; Kargın Akkoç, Gamze
2019Do stock markets follow a random walk? New evidence for an old questionDurusu-Çiftci, Dilek ; İspir, Mustafa Serdar ; Kök, Dündar 
2019Does income converge in Turkey? An empirical assessmentDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek ; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2024Döviz kurunun Türkiye tekstil sektörü ihracatına etkisi: Alt, orta ve üst segmentlerin çekim modeli analiziKırka, Kadir
2023The Dynamics and Determinants of Economic Crimes in TürkiyeKargin Akkoç, Gamze; Durusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2022Economic freedom, foreign direct investment, and economic growth: The role of sub-components of freedomCiftci, Cemil ; Durusu-Ciftci, Dilek 
2022Exchange rate volatility and export in Turkey: Does the nexus vary across the type of commodity?Tarakci, Dogukan; Olmez, Fevzi; Durusu-Ciftci, Dilek 
2019The Finance-Growth Nexus in the High Performance Asian Economies: A Bootstrap Panel Causality AnalysisDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2017Financial development and economic growth Sometheory and more evidenceDurusu-Ciftci, Dilek ; İspir, Mustafa Serdar ; Yetkiner, Hakan
2020Financial development and energy consumption in emerging markets: Smooth structural shifts and causal linkagesDurusu-Çiftçi, Dilek ; Soytas, U.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban 
2022Finansal istikrar ve makroekonomik performans ilişkisi: karşılaştırmalı bir analizKurtoğlu, Betül
Jan-2019Güçlü ekonomiye geçiş programı sonrası Türkiye’de banka kârlılığının belirleyicileriÇiftçi, Cemil ; Durusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2018The heterogeneous impact of taxation on economic development: New insights from a panel cointegration approachDurusu-Çiftçi, Dilek ; Gokmenoglu, K.K.; Yetkiner, H.
2024Identifying the nexus between financial stability and economic growth: the role of stability indicatorsKurtoglu, B.; Durusu-Ciftci, D. 
2019International trade and energy interactions in the G7 countriesDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek 
2024The Interrelationship Between Corruption, Economic Growth, and Trade: Do They Grease or Sand Each Other's Wheels?Kargin-Akkoc, Gamze; Durusu-Ciftci, Dilek 
2013The interrelatıonship between domestic sales and export: The case of Turkish manufacturing sector 1996-2010Çiftçi, Cemil ; Çiftçi, Dilek Durusu 
2012Küresel finansal kriz ışığında Avrupa borç krizi ve kredi temerrüt swapları ilişkisiDurusu Çiftçi, Dilek ; Çeviş, İsmail 
2018Revisiting energy intensity convergence: new evidence from OECD countriesBulut, Ümit; Durusu Çiftçi, Dilek