Browsing by Author Ergene, Berkay

Showing results 1 to 20 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Comparative Analysis of Minimum Chip Thickness, Surface Quality and Burr Formation in Micro-Milling of Wrought and Selective Laser Melted Ti64Karakılınç, Ucan; Ergene, Berkay ; Yalçın, Bekir; Aslantaş, Kubilay; Erçetin, Ali
2023A comparative analysis of the effect of post production treatments and layer thickness on tensile and impact properties of additively manufactured polymersBolat, Cagin; Ergene, Berkay ; Ispartalı, Hasan
2023A comprehensive investigation of drilling performance of anisotropic stacked glass-carbon fiber reinforced hybrid laminate compositesErgene, Berkay ; Bolat, Çağın; Karakılınç, Ucan; Irez, Alaeddin Burak
2020Determination of thermal stress and elongation on different ceramic coated ti-6al-4v alloy at elevated temperatures by finite element methodErgene, Berkay ; Bolat, C
2023Effect of Drilling Parameters and Tool Geometry on the Thrust Force and Surface Roughness of Aerospace Grade Laminate CompositesBolat, Ç.; Karakılınç, U.; Yalçın, B.; Öz, Y.; Yavaş, Ç.; Ergene, B. ; Erçetin, A.; Akkoyun, Fatih
2023Eriyik Yığma Modelleme ile Üretilen PLA Parçaların Vida Tutma Kuvvetlerinin İstatistiksel Olarak DeğerlendirilmesiPınar, Ahmet Murat ; Ergene, Berkay ; Atlıhan, Gökmen ; Ahmet Arif Mağatlı; Kaya, Fırat; Karahan, Burak; Nişancı, Mehmet Emir
2024Estimation of cutting forces in CNC slot-milling of low-cost clay reinforced syntactic metal foams by artificial neural network modelingBolat, Çağın; Özdoğan, Nuri; Coban, Sarp; Ergene, Berkay ; Akgun, İsmail Cem; Gökşenli, Ali
2024Estimation of friction and wear properties of additively manufactured recycled-ABS parts using artificial neural network approach: effects of layer thickness, infill rate, and building directionBolat, Cagin; Cebi, Abdulkadir; Çoban, Sarp; Ergene, Berkay 
2023Experimental and finite element analyses on the vibration behavior of 3D-printed PET-G tapered beams with fused filament fabricationErgene, Berkay ; Atlihan, Gökmen ; Pinar, Ahmet Murat 
2023An experimental examination of the dry drilling machinability features of cellular glass-filled new-generation metallic composite foamsEine experimentelle Untersuchung der Bearbeitbarkeit durch Trockenbohren von zellularen, glasgefüllten metallischen Verbundwerkstoffschäumen der neuen GenerationBolat, C.; Ergene, B. ; Akgun, I. C.; Karakilinc, U.; Goksenli, A.
2021An experimental investigation on mechanical performances of 3D printed lightweight ABS pipes with different cellular wall thicknessErgene, B. ; Sekeroglu, I; Bolat, C.; Yalcin, B.
2022An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Test Speed on the Tensile Properties of The Petg Produced By Additive ManufacturingErgene, Berkay ; Bolat, Çağın
2022An experimental study on the role of manufacturing parameters on the dry sliding wear performance of additively manufactured PETGErgene, Berkay ; Bolat, Çağın
2021An experimental study on wear performance of electrolytic multilayer cu-ni-cr coated abs under different test forcesKarabeyoğlu, Sencer Süreyya; Ergene, Berkay ; Bolat, Çağın
2020Finite Element Analyzing of the Effect of Crack on Mechanical Behavior of Honeycomb and Re-entrant StructuresErgene, Berkay ; Yalcin, B
2021A finite element study on modal analysis of lightweight pipesErgene, Berkay ; Yalcin, Bekir
2023Impact behavior of PET-G parts produced by fused deposition modelling depending on layer height and test temperatureErgene, Berkay ; Ispartalı, Hasan; Karakılınç, Uçan
2022Investigating on the machinability assessment of precision machining pumice reinforced AA7075 syntactic foamBolat, Cagin; Ergene, Berkay ; Karakilinc, Ucan; Goksenli, Ali
2022An investigation of the effect of tapered angle and boundary condition on natural frequency of different ceramic coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy with finite element analysisErgene, Berkay ; Bolat, Çağın