Browsing by Author Akarsu, Harun

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Additional benefits of serum oncostatin m levels compared to cardiac troponin in non-st elevation myocardial infarctionAkarsu, M.; Atici, A.; Yoldemir, Ş.; Özcan, M.; Yildirim, Ö.; Akarsu, H. ; Arman, Y.; Tükek, Tufan
2023A free floating left atrial ball thrombus treatment with oral anticoagulationAkarsu, Harun ; Kaftan Tellioğlu, Havane Asuman ; Davutoğlu, Yiğit ; Şen, Gürsel 
2025Impact of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy on Pulmonary Arterial Stiffness and Right Ventricular Function in Obese PatientsBuber, Ipek ; Aykota, Muhammed Rasid ; Sevgican, Cihan Ilyas ; Kaya, Derya ; Akarsu, Harun ; Tekin, Isik ; Kilic, Ismail Dogu