Browsing by Author Kocaoğlu, Murat
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Cervical plate fracture: a rare complication | Veli, Çıtışlı ; Muhammet, İbrahimoğlu; Civlan, Serkan ; Murat, Kocaoğlu |
2019 | Comparison of Subthalamic Nucleus vs. Globus Pallidus Intern Deep Brain Stimulation in Terms of Gait and Balance; A Two Year Follow-Up Study | Celiker, O; Demir, G; Kocaoglu, M ; Altug, F ; Acar, F |
2015 | Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy in the skull: A case report | Kocaoğlu, Murat ; Göçmen, Selçuk; Çeliker, Özkan ; Çeliker, Duygu ; Topçu, Abdullah ; Çoşkun, Erdal |
2019 | Natural Course of Myxopapillary Ependymoma: Unusual Case Report and Review of Literature | Pusat, Serhat; Erbaş, Yahya Cem; Göçmen, Selçuk; Kocaoğlu, Murat ; Erdoğan, Ersin |
2017 | Tentorıum Cerebellı’nin cerrahi anatomisi | Kocaoğlu, Murat |
2014 | Unusual presentation of multiple nerve entrapment: a case report. | Çıtışlı, Veli ; Kocaoğlu, Murat ; Göcmen S; Korucu, Mustafa |