Browsing by Author Kırçay, Ali

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Design of third-order square-root-domain filters using state-space synthesis methodKircay, A. ; Keserlioğlu, Mehmet Serhat ; Sagi, F.Z.
2018Electronically Tunable Current-Mode Third-Order Square-Root-Domain Filter DesignKırçay, Ali ; Keserlioğlu, Mehmet Serhat ; Adalar, F.Z.
2009A new 5th-order differential type class-AB log-domain elliptic lowpass filter for video frequency applicationsKırçay, Ali ; Cam, U.
2013A new 7th-order log-domain elliptic video filter using E-cell circuits approachDindar, M.; Kircay, A. ; Yüce, Erkan 
2013A new current-mode square-root-domain general notch filterKircay, A. ; Keserlioğlu, M.Serhat ; Cam, U.
2009A new current-mode square-root-domain notch filterKırçay, Ali ; Keserlioğlu, Mehmet Serhat ; Cam, U.
2009Novel current-mode second-order square-root-domain highpass and allpass FilterKırçay, Ali ; Serhat Keserlioglu, M. 
2006Novel first-order differential class-AB log-domain allpass filtersKircay, A. ; Cam, U.; Tola, Abdullah Tahsin. 
2008Realization of second-order differential type class-AB log-domain universal filter without changing circuit configurationKırçay, Ali ; Çam, U.
2010Square-root-domain current-mode electronically tunable universal filterKeserlioğlu, Mehmet Serhat ; Kirçay, A. 
2005State-space synthesis of a first-order differential class-AB log-domain allpass filterKirçay, A. ; Çam, U.; Tola, Abdullah Tahsin. 
2008Universal resistorless current-mode filters employing CCCIIsYüce, Erkan. ; Kırçay, Ali ; Tokat, Sezai.