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- 01. Pamukkale University
- 01.01. Experimental Surgical Application and Research Center
- 01.02. Distance Education Application and Research Center
- 01.03. Psychological Counseling And Guidance Education Application And Research Center
- 01.04. Centre For Advanced Research Laboratory
- 01.05. Health Research Center Managment
- 02.01. Arable Crops
- 02.02. Horticultural Crops
- 03.01. Organic Agriculture Management
- 03.03. Capital Market
- 03.04. International Trade and Logistics
- 04.01. Landscape Architecture
- 04.02. Industrial Design
- 04.03. Architecture
- 04.04. Urban and Regional Planning
- 04.05. Interior Architecture
- 04.06. Textile and Fashion Design
- 05. Faculty of Communication
- 05.01. New Media and Communication
- 05.02. Public Relations and Promotion
- 05.03. Radio-television and Cinema
- 06.01. Clinical Sciences
- 07. Faculty of Divinity
- 07.01. Basic Islamic Sciences
- 07.02. Philosophy and Religious Sciences
- 07.03. Islamic History and Arts
- 08. Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- 08.01. Management Information Systems
- 08.02. Political Science and Public Administration
- 08.03. Economics
- 08.04. Business Administration
- 08.05. Finance
- 08.06. Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
- 08.07. International Trade and Finance
- 08.08. Econometrics
- 09. Faculty of Education
- 09.01. Mathematics and Science Teaching
- 09.02. Foreign Languages Teaching
- 09.03. Basic Education
- 09.04. Computer Education and Instructional Technology
- 09.05. Educational Sciences
- 09.06. Fine Arts Education
- 09.07. Social Sciences and Turkish Language Teaching
- 09.11. Special Education
- 10. Faculty of Engineering
- 10.01. Environmental Engineering
- 10.02. Civil Engineering
- 10.03. Chemical Engineering
- 10.04. Electrical-Electronics Engineering
- 10.05. Food Engineering
- 10.06. Textile Engineering
- 10.07. Mechanical Engineering
- 10.08. Geological Engineering
- 10.09. Industrial Engineering
- 10.10. Computer Engineering
- 11.01. Nursing
- 12.01. Psychology
- 12.02. Archaeology
- 12.03. History
- 12.04. Modern Turkish Dialects and Literatures
- 12.05. French Language and Literature
- 12.06. Geography
- 12.07. Art History
- 12.08. English Language and Literature
- 12.09. Turkish Language and Literature
- 12.10. Philosophy
- 12.11. Sociology
- 12.13. Protection and Repair of Cultural Property
- 12.14. Western Languages and Literatures
- 13. Faculty of Law
- 13.01. Private Law
- 13.02. Public Law
- 14. Faculty of Medicine
- 14.01. Surgical Medicine
- 14.02. Internal Medicine
- 14.03. Basic Medical Sciences
- 15. Faculty of Music and Performing Arts
- 15.01. Music
- 16.01. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
- 17.01. Chemistry
- 17.02. Biology
- 17.03. Physics
- 17.04. Mathematics
- 17.05. Molecular Biology and Genetics
- 17.07. Statistics
- 18.01. Physical Education and Sports
- 18.02. Recreation
- 18.03. Coach Training
- 18.04. Sports Management
- 19.02. Mechanical Engineering
- 20.01. Automotive Engineering
- 20.02. Metallurgical And Materials Engineering
- 20.03. Biomedical Engineering
- 20.04. Mechatronics Engineering
- 20.05. Mechanical Engineering
- 21.01. Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
- 21.02. Tourism Management
- 21.03. Recreation Management
- 21.04. Tour Guide Training
- 22. Acıpayam Vocational School of Higher Education