Browsing by Journal Title ADALYA

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Civic Coinage of Keramos in CariaTürkoğlu, İnci 
2017Nave Barrier Arrangements and Flank Elements of Panel Implementation at the Olympos Episcopal ChurchÖztaşkın, Gökçen Kurtuluş ; Sertel, S
2017Olympos Piskoposluk Kilisesi’ndeki nef ayırımı düzenlemeleri ve levha yanı uygulamasıÖztaşkın, Gökçen Kurtuluş ; Sertel, Sinan
2006The water springs of Laodicea and its distribution systemsŞimşek, Celal ; Büyükkolancı, Mustafa