Browsing by Author Akman, T.

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Beyond traditional therapies: clinical significance of complex molecular profiling in patients with advanced solid tumours—results from a Turkish multi-centre studyDogu, Gamze Gokoz ; Bilici, A.; Er, O.; Bisgin, A.; Sevinc, A.; Akman, T.; Uslu, R.; Mandel, Nil Molinas; Yalcin, Suayib; Teomete, Mehmet; Gorumlu, Gurbuz; Demir, Atakan; Namal, Esat; Alici, Suleyman; Selcukbiricik, Fatih; Bavbek, Sevil; Paksoy, Fatma; Basaran, Gul; Ozer, Leyla; Sener, Nur; Harputluoglu, Hakan; Kaya, Ali Osman; Yazar, Aziz; Afsar, Cigdem Usul; Goker, Erdem; Sen, Fatma; Olmez, O.F.; Şeker, Mesut; Ozkan, Metin; Turken, Orhan; Ozveren, Ahmet; Orhan, Bulent; Yumuk, Fulden; Uskent, Necdet; Saip, Pınar; Anlı, Ulus Ali; Disel, Umut; Berk, Veli; Alakavuklar, Mehmet
2013Endocrine therapy alone vs chemotherapy plus endocrine therapies for the treatment of elderly patients with endocrine-responsive and node positive breast cancer: A retrospective analysis of a multicenter study (Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology)Inal, A.; Akman, T.; Yaman, S.; Demir Ozturk, S.; Geredeli, C.; Bilici, M.; Inanc, M.
2014Pathologic and clinical characteristics of elderly patients with breast cancer: A retrospective analysis of a multicenter study (anatolian society of medical oncology)Ial, A.; Akman, T.; Yaman, S.; Ozturk, S.C.; Geredeli, C.; Bilici, M.; Inanc, M.
2015The Perspective of Non-oncologist Physicians on Patients with Metastatic Cancer and Palliative Care (ALONE Study): A Study of the Palliative Care Working Committee of the Turkish Oncology Group (TOG)Tanriverdi, O.; Yavuzsen, T.; Akman, T.; Senler, F.C.; Taşköylü, Burcu Yapar ; Turhal, S.; Komurcu, S.
2014Predictive factors for the development of brain metastases in patients with malignant melanoma: A study by the Anatolian society of medical oncologyGumusay, O.; Coskun, U.; Akman, T.; Ekinci, A.S.; Kocar, M.; Erceleb, O.B.; Yazici, O.