Browsing by Author Capraz, Ozan.

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Modelling of WEEE recycling operation planning under uncertaintyPolat, Olcay ; Capraz, Ozan.; Gungor, A. 
2019An overview of methods used for estimating e-waste amountBoğar, Zeynep Özsüt ; Capraz, Ozan.; Güngör, Aşkıner 
2017Performance evaluation of waste electrical and electronic equipment disassembly layout configurations using simulationCapraz, Ozan.; Polat, Olcay ; Güngör, Aşkıner 
2015Planning of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) recycling facilities: MILP modelling and case study investigationCapraz, Ozan.; Polat, Olcay ; Güngör,Aşkıner