Browsing by Author Carreras, Carlos

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Analysis of The Mediterranean Green Turtles Population Composition and Dynamics, Using The Mitochondrial DNA Str HaplotypingYaron, Tikochinski; Bradshaw, Philip; Levy, Yaniv; Demetropoulos, Andreas; Wright, Lucy I.; Kaska, Yakup ; Carreras, Carlos; Broderick, A. C.; Godley, Brendan John
2024Elucidating the Origins of Stranded Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Eastern Mediterranean through Mitochondrial DNA Mixed-Stock AnalysisKaska, Arzu ; Binen, Tugce; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Snape, Robin; Broderick, Annette; Godley, Brendan; Beton, Damla; Ozkan, Meryem; Carreras, Carlos; Kaska, Yakup 
2018Mediterranean sea turtles: Current knowledge and priorities for conservation and researchCasale, P.; Broderick, A.C.; Camiñas, J.A.; Cardona, L.; Carreras, C.; Demetropoulos, A.; Fuller, W.J.; Godley, Brendan; Kaska, Yakup ; Levy, Yaniv; Snape, Robin; Wright, Lucy; Carreras, Carlos
2018Mitochondrial DNA short tandem repeats unveil hidden population structuring and migration routes of an endangered marine turtleTikochinski, Y.; Bradshaw, P.; Mastrogiacomo, A.; Broderick, A.; Daya, A.; Demetropoulos, A.; Demetropoulos, S.; Eliades, Nicolas-George; Fuller, Wayne; Godley, Brendan; Kaska, Yakup ; Levy, Yaniv; Snape, Robin; Wright, Lucy; Carreras, Carlos