Browsing by Author Karabulut, İsmail

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003The effect of swimming exercise on lipid peroxidation in the rat brain, liver and heart.Turgut, Günfer ; Demir, Süleyman. ; Genç, Osman ; Karabulut, İsmail; Akalın, Nalan
2003Effects of acute exercise on the levels of iron, magnesium, and uric acid in liver and spleen tissuesKaptanoglu, Bünyamin ; Turgut, Günfer ; Genç, Osman ; Enli, Yaşar ; Karabulut, İsmail; Zencir, Mehmet ; Turgut, Sebahat 
2003Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Effects of Zinc Overdose on Mouse Liver TissueAbban, Gülçin ; Turgut, Günfer ; Erdogan, Deniz; Özoğul, Candan; Genç, Osman ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Karabulut, İsmail
2001Yüksek dozda çinkonun böbrek dokusu üzerine etkisinin ince yapı düzeyinde incelenmesiAbban, Gülçin ; Turgut, Günfer ; Erdoğan, Deniz; Genç, Osman ; Özoğul, Candan; Turgut, Sebahat ; Karabulut, İsmail