Browsing by Author Keskın, Ozge

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Association of response to first-line chemotherapy with the efficacy of atezolizumab in patients with metastatic urothelial carcinoma.Tural, Deniz; Olmez, Omer Fatih; Sumbul, Ahmet Taner; Artac, Mehmet; Ozhan, Nail ; Akar, Emre; Cakar, Burcu; Kostek, Osman; Ekenel, Meltem; Coskun, Hasan Senol; Selcukbiricik, Fatih; Keskın, Ozge; Turkoz, Fatma Paksoy; Oruc, Kerem; Bayram, Selami; Yilmaz, Uğur.; Bilgetekin, Irem; Yildiz, Birol; Sendur, Mehmet Ali Nahit; Erman, Mustafa