Browsing by Author Sen, Emine

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Brewed black tea waste (Camellia sinensis L.) as alternative pectin sourceSen, Emine; Uguzdogan, Erdal 
2021Extraction and characterization of pectin from waste of fruit peelsSen, Emine; Ozdemir, Semanur; Uguzdogan, Erdal 
2024Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Pectin From Onion and Garlic Waste Under Organic, Inorganic and Dual Acid MixturesSen, Emine; Gokturk, Ersen; Uguzdogan, Erdal 
2022Pectin extraction from garlic waste under dual acid conditionSen, Emine; Gokturk, Ersen; Uguzdogan, Erdal