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Siyal, A.N.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Chromium speciation using an aminated amberlite XAD-4 resin column combined with microsample injection-flame atomic absorption spectrometry | Aksoy, Erkan; Elçi, Şükrü Gökhan ; Siyal, A.N.; Elçi, Latif |
2014 | Schiff base-functionalised styrofoam resin for preconcentration of metal ions in wastewater and wastewater-irrigated vegetables samples | Siyal, A.N.; Memon, S.Q.; Elçi, Aydan; Akdoğan, Abdullah ; Höl, Ayşen ; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Elçi, L. |
2013 | Solid-phase chelate extractive preconcentration of heavy metal ions prior to their ultratrace determination by microsample injection system coupled flame atomic absorption spectrometry | Sari, S.; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Elçi, Aydan; Akdogan, Abdullah ; Höl, Ayşen ; Siyal, A.N.; Elçi, L. |
2014 | Synthesis and characterisation of novel chelating resin for selective preconcentration and trace determination of Pb(II) ions in aqueous samples by innovative microsample injection system coupled flame atomic absorption spectrometry | Siyal, A.N.; Elçi, Latif ; Memon, S.Q.; Akdogan, Abdullah ; Höl, Ayşen ; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Khuhawar, M.Y. |