10.07. Mechanical Engineering

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10.07. Mechanical Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 461-480 of 546 (Search time: 0.03 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4612011Solution of the Blasius and Sakiadis equation by generalized iterative differential quadrature methodGirgin, Zekeriya 
4622004Sovonius rüzgür çarklarının performansının geliştirilmesi ve karşılaştırılmasıAtılgan, Mehmet ; Altan Deda, Burçin 
4632017Special Issue: Fatigue Assessment of Welded Joints by Modern ConceptsKarakaş, Özler ; Berto, F.; Susmel, L.
4642020Special Issue: “Fatigue of Welded Joints - Current State-of-the-Art”Karakaş, Özler ; Baumgartner, J.; Berto, F.; Livieri, P.; Susmel, L.
4652008Stacking sequence effects on natural frequency of laminated composite beamsTopcu, M.; Atlihan, G. ; Çalhoglu, H.; Şahin Çonkur, E. 
4662019State of the art review of the application of strain energy density in design against fatigue of welded jointsKarakaş, Özler ; Tüzün, Nail
4672024State-of-the-art of fatigue performance and estimation approach of orthotropic steel bridge decksYang, Haibo; Wang, Ping; Karakas, Ozler ; Qian, Hongliang
4682009Statik ve dinamik yüklemeye maruz kalan kompozit laminelerde dil ve oluk birleştirme tekniği ile yapıştırma, parametrelerin incelenmesi ve genetik algoritma yöntemi ile optimum tasarım parametrelerinin bulunmasıCanyurt, Olcay Ersel ; Topcu, Muzaffer ; Öztürk, Harun Kemal 
4692000Stator well flows in axial compressorsÖztürk, Harun Kemal ; Turner, A.B.; Childs, P.R.N.; Bayley, F.J.
4702007Strength based reliability of adhesively bonded tubular lap jointsŞekercioglu, Tezcan 
4712010Strength estimation of adhesively bonded tongue and groove joint of thick composite sandwich structures using genetic algorithm approachCanyurt, Olcay Ersel ; Meran, Cemal ; Uslu, M.
4722022The strength of glass fiber composite materials by inclusion of CaCO3 and SiO2 nanoparticles into resinTuncer, Can; Canyurt, Olcay Ersel 
4732012Stress analysis of a rotating FGM circular disc with exponentially-varying propertiesKursun, A.; Topçu, M. ; Yücel, Uğur 
4742005Stress analysis of curvilinearly orthotropic rotating discs under mechanical and thermal loadingÇallıoglu, Hasan ; Topçu, Muzaffer ; Altan, Gürkan 
4752011Stress analysis of functionally graded disc under thermal and mechanical loadsKurşun, A.; Topçu, Muzaffer ; Tetik, Tuğba
4762012Stress analysis of functionally graded discs under mechanical and thermal loads: Analytical and numerical solutionsBektaş, Numan Behlül ; Akça, Mehmet
4772011Stress analysis of functionally graded rotating discs: Analytical and numerical solutionsÇallıoğlu, Hasan ; Bektaş, Numan Behlül ; Sayer, Metin 
4782012Stress intensity factor estimation of repaired aluminum plate with bonded composite patch by combined genetic algorithms and FEM under temperature effectsErgun, Emin ; Tasgetiren, S.; Topçu, Muzaffer 
4792012A study on increasing the performance of Savonius wind rotorsAltan, Burçin Deda; Atılgan, Mehmet 
4802014Support vector regression model based predictive control of water level of U-tube steam generatorsKavaklıoğlu, Kadir