Organization name
17.02. Biology
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 261-280 of 859 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2612022Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevityReinke B.A.; Cayuela H.; Janzen F.J.; Lemaître J.-F.; Gaillard J.-M.; Lawing A.M.; Iverson J.B.; Christiansen, Ditte G.; Martinez-Solano, Inigo; Sanchez-Montes, Gregorio; Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Jorge; Miaud, Claude; Elmberg, Johan; Brown, Gregory P.; Shine, Richard; Ramos-Targarona, Roberto; Bendik, Nathan F.; O'Donnell, Lisa; Davis, Courtney L.; Grayson, Kristine; Lannoo, Michael J.; Warner, Daniel A.; Stiles, Rochelle M.; Bonnaire, Eric; Cox, Robert M.; Reedy, Aaron M.; Rose, Francis L.; Nelson, Nicola; Keall, Susan; Crivelli, Alain J.; Nazirides, Theodoros; Grimm-Seyfarth, Annegret; Henle, Klaus; Mori, Emiliano; Muths, Erin; Guiller, Gaetan; Homan, Rebecca; Olivier, Anthony; Hossack, Blake R.; Bonnet, Xavier; Pilliod, David S.; Lettink, Marieke; Whitaker, Tony; Schmidt, Benedikt R.; Gardner, Michael G.; Cheylan, Marc; Golubovic, Ana; Griffiths, Richard A.; Tomovic, Ljiljana; Arsovski, Dragan; Miller, David A. W.; Arntzen, Jan W.; Baron, Jean-Pierre; Le Galliard, Jean-Francois; Tully, Thomas; Luiselli, Luca; Capula, Massimo; Rugiero, Lorenzo; McCaffery, Rebecca; Eby, Lisa A.; Mazzotti, Frank; Briggs-Gonzalez, Venetia; Bronikowski, Anne M.; Pearson, David; Lambert, Brad A.; Green, David M.; Jreidini, Nathalie; Angelini, Claudio; Pyke, Graham; Thirion, Jean-Marc; Joly, Pierre; Lena, Jean-Paul; Tucker, Anton D.; Ronget, Victor; Limpus, Col; Priol, Pauline; Besnard, Aurelien; Bernard, Pauline; Stanford, Kristin; King, Richard; Garwood, Justin; Bosch, Jaime; Selman, Will ; Souza, Franco L.; Bertoluci, Jaime; Famelli, Shirley; Grossenbacher, Kurt; Lenzi, Omar; Matthews, Kathleen; Boitaud, Sylvain; Olson, Deanna H.; de Villiers, F. Andre; Jessop, Tim S.; Gillespie, Graeme R.; Clobert, Jean; Richard, Murielle; Valenzuela-Sanchez, Andres; Fellers, Gary M.; Kleeman, Patrick M.; Measey, John; Halstead, Brian J.; Grant, Evan H. Campbell; Byrne, Phillip G.; Fretey, Thierry; Le Garff, Bernard; Levionnois, Pauline; Munoz, David; Maerz, John C.; Pichenot, Julian; Olgun, Kurtulus; Uzum, Nazan; Avci, Aziz; Baskale, Eyup 
2622016Diving pattern differences of female loggerhead turtles nesting on Dalyan Beach, TurkeySezgin, C.; Kaska, Yakup 
32021Doubled Haploid Broccoli (Brassica olearacea var. italica) Plants from Anther CultureAlan, Ali Ramazan ; Celebi-Toprak, Fevziye ; Lachin, Alireza; Yildiz, Doguscan; Gozen, Volkan; Besirli, Gulay
42021Doubled Haploid Onion (Allium cepa L.) Production Via In Vitro GynogenesisAlan, Ali Ramazan 
52022Drivers of Forest Pathogen Invasions: The Roles of Global Trade and Climate ChangeWoodward, Steve; Beram, Refika Ceyda ; Dogmus, Hatice Tugba
62022Drivers of litter ingestion by sea turtles: Three decades of empirical data collected in Atlantic Europe and the MediterraneanDarmon G.; Schulz M.; Matiddi M.; Loza A.L.; Tòmàs J.; Camedda A.; Chaieb O.; Hili, Hedia A. El; Bradai, Mohamed N.; Bray, Laura; Claro, Francoise; Dellinger, Thomas; Dell'Amico, Florence; Lucia, Giuseppe A. de; Duncan, Emily M. M.; Gambaiani, Delphine; Godley, Brendan; Kaberi, Helen; Kaska, Yakup ; Martin, Jessica; Moreira, Claudia; Ostiategui, Patricia; Pham, Christopher K.; Piermarini, Raffaella; Revuelta, Ohiana; Rodriguez, Yasmina; Silvestri, Cecilia; Snape, Robin; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Tsangaris, Catherine; Vale, Maria; Vandeperre, Frederic; Miaud, Claude
72009Drug interaction potential of the seed extract of Urtica urens L. (dwarf nettle)Ağuş, Hızlan Hıncal.; Tekin, P.; Bayav, M.; Semiz, Aslı. ; Şen, Alaattin. 
82018Early Nesting of Loggerhead Turtles In Turkey: An Evidence Of Increasing Male ProductionSözbilen, Doğan ; Başkale, Eyüp ; Kaska, Yakup 
92019An ecologıcal and behavıoral assessment of a male-bıased loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) populatıon ın an ımportant ın-water habıtat ın the eastern medıterraneanSözbilen, Doğan ; Kaska, Yakup 
102013Edible Allium improvement via doubled haploidy technologyAlan, Ali Ramazan ; Kaska, Arzu ; Çelebi Toprak, Fevziye 
11Jan-2004Effect of carbon and nitrogen sources and incubation times on poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) synthesis by Bacillus subtilis 25 and Bacillus megaterium 12Yüksekdağ, Zehra Nur; Aslım, Belma; Beyatlı, Yavuz; Mercan, Nazime 
122013Effect of chromium and organic acids on microbial growth and exopolymeric substance (EPS) production by Pseudomonas bacteriaMercan Doğan, Nazime ; Kantar, Çetin; Doğan, Göksel
132011Effect of ellagic acid on p53 and PTEN in various cell linesGül, Ogün Ali; Çelik Turgut, Gurbet ; Akça, Hakan ; Adalı, Orhan; Şen, Alaattin 
1411-Apr-2014Effect of environmental factors on biological reduction of hexavalent chromium by Pseudomonas mendocinaDoğan, Göksel; Mercan Doğan, Nazime ; Acar Doğanlı, Gülümser
152018The effect of global temperature rıse on loggerhead turtle nests ın dalyan beach, TurkeySözbilen, Doğan ; Başkale, Eyüp ; Kaska, Yakup 
162020The effect of invertebrate infestation on green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nests on Kazanli Beach, Mersin, TurkeyAymak, C.; Uçar, A.H.; Katylmy?, Y.; Başkale, Eyup ; Ergene, S.
172006The Effects of Beach Nourishment To The Nesting And Reproductive Success Of The Soft-Shelled Nile Turtle (Trionyx Triunguis); A Case Study Around Thermal Lake Kukurtlu, Mugla-TurkeyGidiş, Müge; Paçalı, Ersin; Kaska, Yakup 
182012The effects of Crataegus aronia var. dentata Browicz extract on biochemical indices and apoptosis in partially hepatectomized liver in ratsKeskin, Nazan ; Mammadov, Ramazan ; İli, Pınar 
192011Effects of Cyclamen trochopteranthum on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymesArslan, Şevki ; Özgün, Özden ; Çelik, Gurbet ; Semiz, Aslı ; Düşen, Olcay ; Mammadov, Ramazan ; Şen, Alaattin 
202016Effects of daily beach use to the nest-site selection preferences for loggerhead turtles on Dalyan-Iztuzu Beach, TurkeySözbilen, Doğan ; Kaska, Yakup