31.02. Textile, Clothing, Shoes and Leather

Organization name
31.02. Textile, Clothing, Shoes and Leather

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 21-40 of 139 (Search time: 0.037 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212015Crosslinking of Electrospun Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibers with Polycarboxylic AcidsAkduman, Çiğdem ; Akçakoca Kumabasar, E.Perrin; Çay, Ahmet
222017Crosslinking of poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibres with polycarboxylic acids: biocompatibility with human skin keratinocyte cellsÇay, A.; Akçakoca Kumbasar, E.P.; Keskin, Z.; Akduman, Çiğdem ; Şendemir Ürkmez, A.
232023Çözelti Konsantrasyonu ile Nanolif Çapı Arasındaki İlişkiŞimşek Gündüz, Gonca 
242018Design and production of unique dress collection for summer from kizilcaboluk "peshtamal's" as a part of educationYılmaz, Sevim 
252012Detection of deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 and runt-related transcription factor 3 gene expressions in bladder carcinomaDodurga, Yavuz ; Avci, C.B.; Satıroğlu-Tufan, Naciye lale; Tataroglu, C.; Kesen, Z.; Dogan, Z.O.; Yilmaz, S. 
262015Determination of the effects of splitting and shaving operations before tanning at shoe upper leathers on the quality of leatherİnanç, Levent. ; Gülümser, G.
472018Developing a software calculating fabric consumption of various bathrobe modelsKalkancı, Mihriban ; Özer, I.
482023Development and characterization of lanolin incorporated electrospun nanofibers for nursing padsAkduman, Çiğdem ; Kumbasar, E. P. Akcakoca; Ozguney, I
492018Development and characterization of naproxen-loaded poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibers crosslinked with polycarboxylic acidsAkduman, Çiğdem ; Kumbasar, E.P.A.; Özgüney, I.
502020Development of a new nanofibrous composite material from recycled nonwovens to improve sound absorption abilityÖzkal, Ayşe ; Callioglu, FC; Akduman, Çiğdem 
512019The development of shoe design and footwear sector in bulgarian geography from the pre-milestone periods to the presentYılmaz, Sevim 
522018Different approaches in bathrobe manufacturing: New concept Pestemal bathrobes, an irreplaceable element of Hammam cultureKalkancı, Mihriban 
532022Doğum Sonu Dönemde Göğüs Pedi ÖrneğiAkduman, Çiğdem 
542005Dokuma kumaşlarda yırtılma mukavemeti hakkında yapılan çalışmaların değerlendirilmesiCan, Yahya ; Kırtay, Erhan
552005Dokuma kumaşların sürtünme davranışları hakkında yapılan çalışmaların değerlendirilmesiCan, Yahya ; Kırtay, Erhan
562021Dry Heat Resistance of Leathers of Different TannagesColak, Selime ; Kaygusuz, Meruyert 
572023The effect of dyeing tubes' structure on the colour difference of yarnsGündüz Gonca, Şimşek 
582010The effect of material and thickness of collector electrode on fiber fineness in electrospinningGöktepe, F.; Şimşek, G. ; Göktepe, Ö.; Çömlekçi, S.
792014Effect of molecular weight on the morphology of electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofibersAkduman, Çiğdem ; Akçakoca Kumabasar, E.Perrin; Çay, Ahmet
802009Effect of wrinkle resistance finish on cotton fabric propertiesCan, Yahya ; Akaydın, Muhammet ; Turhan, Yıldıray ; Ay, Ercan