Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin.
Zümrütbaş, A. Ersin
Zumrutbas, A.E.
Zumrutbas, Ali E.
Zümrütbaş, Ersin Ali
Zumrutbas, AE
Zümrütbaş, A.E.
Results 21-40 of 44 (Search time: 0.031 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
21 | 2021 | The outcomes of three buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty techniques in women with urethral stricture disease | Gulpinar, Omer; Zumrutbas, Ali Ersin ; Sanci, Adem; Butun, Salih ; Gokce, Mehmet Ilker; Aybek, Zafer |
22 | 2014 | Posterior nutcracker sendromu: Pelvis ağrısının nedeni | Özban, Murat ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Birsen, Onur ; Sayır, Sinan ; Aydın, Çağatay |
23 | 2014 | Posterior nutcracker syndrome: Caused by pelvic pain | Özban, Murat ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Birsen, Onur ; Sayır, Sinan ; Aydın, Çağatay |
24 | 2014 | Prevalence of daytime urinary incontinence and related risk factors in primary school children in Turkey | Bolat, D.; Acar, I.C.; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Eskicorapci, S.; Sancak, E.B.; Zencir, M.; Turan, Tahir ; Sinik, Zafer |
25 | 2014 | Prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms, overactive bladder and urinary incontinence in western Turkey: Results of a population-based survey | Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Bozkurt, Ali İhsan ; Taş, Erdoğan; Acar, C.I.; Alkış, Okan ; Coban, K.; Cetinel, B. |
26 | 2016 | The prevalence of nocturia and nocturnal polyuria: Can new cutoff values be suggested according to age and sex? | Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Bozkurt, Ali İhsan ; Alkis, O.; Toktas, C.; Cetinel, B.; Aybek, Zafer |
27 | 2012 | Primary malignant melanoma of the penis: A case report | Doğu, Gamze Gököz ; Yaren, Arzu ; Tuncay, Ömer Levent ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Taşköylu, Burcu Yapar ; Bir, Ferda |
28 | 2019 | Prostate cancer incidence and diagnosis in men with PSA levels >20 ng/ml: is it possible to decrease the number of biopsy cores? | Ozorak, A.; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin. ; Bingol, G.; Özlülerden, Yusuf. ; Ozturk, S.A. |
29 | 2019 | Radikal sistektomi sonrası ileal konduit ile kontinan diversiyon uygulanan hastalardaki yaşam kalitesi değerlendirilmesi | Başer, Aykut ; Alkış, Okan ; Özlülerden, Yusuf ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin |
30 | 2016 | A rare cause of acute abdomen: radiotherapy-induced bladder rupture | Başer, Hülya Yılmaz; Başer, Aykut ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Erdur, Bülent |
31 | 2016 | A rare cause of ureteral injuries; simultaneous common iliac artery and ureter injury during posterior lumbar disc surgery | Başer, Aykut ; Alkış, Okan ; Toktaş, Cihan; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin |
32 | 2019 | The real-life management of overactive bladder: Turkish Continence Society multicenter prospective cohort study with short-term outcome | Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Citgez, S.; Acar, Ö.; İzol, V.; Uzun, H.; Kabay, Ş.; Sancak, E.B. |
33 | 2017 | The renoprotective effects of mannitol and udenafil in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury model | Ozlulerden, Y ; Toktaş, Cihan; Aybek, Hülya ; Küçükatay, Vural ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin |
34 | 2013 | A single-center large-volume experience in the surgical management of hydatid disease of the lung with and without extrapulmonary involvement | Türk, Figen ; Yüncü, Gökhan; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Türk, T.; Özban, Murat ; Zümrütbaş, Ersin Ali ; Akdağ, Beyza |
35 | 2017 | Spontan Vezikoüterin Fistül: Olgu Sunumu | Başer, Aykut ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Özlülerden, Yusuf ; Başer, Hülya Yılmaz; Toktaş, Cihan; Aybek, Zafer |
36 | 2017 | Spontaneous Vesicouterine Fistula: A Case Report | Başer, Aykut ; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Özlülerden, Yusuf ; Başer, Hülya Yılmaz; Toktaş, Cihan; Aybek, Zafer |
37 | 2014 | Transüretral Prostat rezeksiyonu sonrasında erken dönem yaşam kalitesindeki değişiklikler | Büker, Nihal ; Koç, Sevgi; Tuncay, Ö. Levent ; Şavkın, Raziye ; Zümrütbaş, A. Ersin |
38 | 2010 | Türkiye’deki üroloji eğitimine ve üroloji mesleğine bakış: Anket sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi | Ergün, Osman; Huri, Emre; Acar, Cenk; Binbay, Murat; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Acar, Ömer; Çitgez, Sinharib |
39 | 2014 | Urogenital and rectal multisystem organ injury after detonation of an explosive substance in the rectum of a schizophrenic man | Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Başer, Aykut ; Acar, C.I.; Ozlulerden, Y. ; Okutan, A.; Sahin, U.Y.; Aybek, Zafer |
40 | 2017 | The use of biomarkers in the diagnosis and treatment of overactive bladder: Can we predict the patients who will be resistant to treatment? | Alkis, O.; Zümrütbaş, Ali Ersin ; Toktas, C.; Aybek, Hülya ; Aybek, Zafer |
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