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Alihanoğlu, Yusuf Izzettin
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Results 21-37 of 37 (Search time: 0.032 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
21 | 2015 | Lipoma in the right atrium | Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Alur, I.; Alihanoglu, Y.I. ; Yıldız, Bekir Serhat; Bir, Ferda ; Özcan, Ali Vefa |
22 | 2013 | Long onlay bypass grafting using the left internal mammary artery for proximal and mid stenosis of the left anterior descending artery | Emrecan, Bilgin ; Özdemir, Ahmet Coşkun; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu |
23 | 2016 | Manual thrombus aspiration and the improved survival of patients with unstable angina pectoris treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (30 months follow-up) | Yıldız, Bekir Serhat; Bilgin, M.; Zungur, M.; Alihanoglu, Yusuf İzzettin; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Buber, İpek ; Ergin, Ahmet |
24 | 2013 | Myocardial infarction in a 17-year-old patient due to neurofibromatosis- associated coronary aneurysm | Evrengül, H.; Kılıç, Doğu İsmail ; Zungur, M.; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Tanrıverdi, Halil |
25 | 2016 | A new method for evaluation of the autonomic nervous system in patients with idiopathic hyperhidrosis: systolic blood pressure and heart rate recovery after graded exercise | Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Yıldız, Bekir Serhat; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Sarıçopur, Ahmet ; Öncü, Mustafa ; Büber, İpek ; Taşlı, Levent |
26 | 2016 | Percutaneous closure of an unusually large patent ductus arteriosus in a patient with a giant pulmonary artery and congenital single coronary artery | Yıldız, Bekir Serhat; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu. ; Evrengul, Harun |
27 | 2013 | Pericardial mesothelial inclusion cyst leading to right heart failure | Alur, İhsan; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Yıldız, Bekir Serhad; Ünal, Emel; Ünal, Selim; Çümen, B.; Özcan, Ali Vefa |
28 | 2015 | A rare complication: An attempt of retrieval of an aortic valve wrapped with pig tail catheter during transcatheter aortic valve implantation | Yıldız, Bekir Serhat; Alihanoglu, Y.I. ; Alur, I.; Evrengul, H.; Kaya, D. |
29 | 2014 | Right coronary artery originated from the left anterior descending artery | Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Alihanoglu, Y. ; Yildiz, B.S.; Evrengul, H. |
30 | 2013 | Right ventricular involvement in anterior myocardial infarction: A tissue Doppler-derived strain and strain rate study | Sonmez, O.; Kayrak, M.; Altunbas, G.; Abdulhalikov, T.; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf ; Bacaksiz, A.; Ozdemir, K. |
31 | 2013 | Saphenous vein graft aneurysm in a young patient with familial dyslipidemia | Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Alihanoglu, Y.I. ; Alsancak, Y.; Coşkun, O.; Emrecan, Bilgin |
32 | 2013 | Serum chitotriosidase activity in acute coronary syndrome | Yildiz, B.S.; Barutcuoglu, B.; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Alkan, M.B.; Bilgin, M.; Gul, I.; Gungor, H. |
53 | 2016 | Solution Seeking for Arteriovenous Fistula Formation in End—Stage Renal Failure Patients: A New Trial: Surgical Technique | Çümen, Bülent; Alur, İhsan; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Budak, Ali Baran; Yıldız, Bekir Serhat |
54 | 2015 | Son Evre Böbrek Yetmezliği Olan Hastalarda Arteriovenöz Fistül Oluşturulmasında Çözüm Arayışları : Yeni Bir Deneme | Budak, Ali Baran; Çümen, Bülent; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Alur, İhsan; Yıldız, Bekir Serhat |
55 | 2015 | Successful percutaneous repositioning of a dislodged atrial pacemaker lead with a deflectable catheter | Alihanoglu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Yildiz, Bekir Serhat; Kılıç, Doğu İsmail ; Evrengül, Harun |
56 | 2014 | Underexpanded covered-stent | Kılıç, Doğu İsmail ; Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Yıldız, Bekir Serhat; Evrengül, Harun |
57 | 2013 | Ventricular tachycardia-based long QT without hypocalcaemia after use of ibandronic acid | Alihanoğlu, Yusuf İzzettin ; Uludağ, Burcu; Kılıç, İsmail Doğu ; Eryilmaz, U.; Evrengül, Harun |