17.01. Chemistry

Organization name
17.01. Chemistry
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 653 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12008The 1:1 co-crystallization of enantiomers of an arene-tethered and ortho-metallated N-heterocyclic carbene ruthenium(II) half-sandwich complex: Synthesis, structural characterization and theoretical studyKarabiyik, H.; Kılınçarslan, Rafet. ; Aygün, M.; Çetinkaya, B. ; García-Granda, S.
220201H-pyrazole- azomethine based novel diazo derivative chemosensor for the detection of Ni2+Erten, Gülnihal ; Karcı, Fikret ; Demirçalı, Aykut ; Söyleyici, Sevil 
32014Ab initio/DFT calculations of butyl ammonium salt of O,O'-dibornyl dithiophosphateKart, Hasan Hüseyin ; Özdemir Kart, Sevgi ; Karakuş, Mehmet ; Kurt, M.
42000Absorptive ionophores for Fe3+ cation by parent calix[n]arenesDeligöz, Hasalettin ; Alpoğuz, Hamza Korkmaz ; Çetisli, Halil 
52005Adsorption and thermodynamic behavior of uranium(VI) on Ulva sp.-Na bentonite composite adsorbentDonat, Ramazan ; Aytas, S.
62010Adsorption and thermodynamics studies of U(VI) by composite adsorbent in a batch systemDonat, Ramazan 
72009Adsorption behaviour of Cu2+ and Cd2+ onto natural bentoniteKarapınar, Nazan ; Donat, Ramazan 
82017Adsorption of U(VI) ions from aqueous solutions by activated carbon prepared from Antep pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) shellsDonat, Ramazan ; Erden, Kadriye Esen
92009Adsorption of uranium(VI) onto Ulva sp.-sepiolite compositeDonat, Ramazan ; Esen Erden, Kadriye; Çetişli, Halil; Aytaş, Şule
102022Adsorption of Zr(IV) Ions from Aqueous Acidic Solutions onto TANB AdsorbentDonat, Ramazan 
112024Adsorption properties of Ni(II) ions from an aqueous solution onto activated carbon prepared from Posidonia oceanica seagrassDonat, Ramazan ; Sensoz, Hacer 
122022Aflatoxin B-1 bioremoval by fungal cells immobilised on magnetic nanoparticlesKyzy, Aidai Duishemambet; Kocyigit, Yunus; Akdogan, Hatice Ardag 
132016Ag(I) Complexes bearing N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed formation of propargylamines by three-component coupling reactionKılınçarslan, Rafet ; Kunduracıoğlu, Ahmet; Sadıc,Naim
142016Ag(I) complexes of benzimidazol-2-ylidene ligands: A study of catalytic efficiency towards three-component coupling reactionsKılınçarslan, Rafet ; Sadıç, Naim; Çetinkaya, B. 
152016An amide substituted dithienylpyrrole based copolymer: its electrochromic propertiesAk, Metin ; Cetisli, Halil ; Soganci, Tugba; Soyleyici, Hakan Can
162020Amperometric detection of glucose and H2O2 using peroxide selective electrode based on carboxymethylcellulose/polypyrrole and Prussian Blue nanocompositeUzunçar, S.; Özdoğan, N.; Ak, Metin 
172011Analysis of black mulberry volatiles using GCxGC-TOF/MSGögüş, F.; Lewis, A.C.; Özel, Mustafa Zafer 
182009Analysis of essential oils of origanum onites by superheated water extraction using gcxgc-tof/msKutlular, Özkan; Özel, Mustafa Zafer 
192010Analysis of eucalyptus camaldulensis volatiles from turkey using DTD-GC-MSÖzel, Mustafa Zafer ; Yılmaz, Selcen; Ergin, C. 
202009Analysis of volatile components from Tanacetum cadmeum by hydrodistillation and direct thermal desorption methods using GC×GC-TOF/MSGogus, F.; Çelik, Ali. ; Lewis, A.C.; Özel, Mustafa Zafer