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Title: Sedimentology, three-dimensional geobody reconstruction and carbon dioxide origin of pleistocene travertine deposits in the Ballık area (South-west Turkey)
Authors: Claes, H.
Soete, J.
Van Noten, K.
El Desouky, H.
Erthal, M.M.
Vanhaecke, F.
Özkul, Mehmet
Keywords: 3D geobody architecture
Isotope geochemistry
Carbon dioxide
Exploratory geochemistry
Reservoirs (water)
Three dimensional computer graphics
Boundary configuration
Geochemical investigations
Mixing mechanisms
Relative contribution
Bacteria (microorganisms)
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Abstract: The Denizli Basin in the West Anatolian Extensional Province in western Turkey is well-known for its numerous travertine occurrences. A combined sedimentological, diagenetic and geochemical investigation is executed on the Ece and Faber travertines of the Ballık area, the largest travertine site in the Denizli Basin. The first aim of this study is the reconstruction of a three-dimensional geo-model in combination with a detailed sedimentological description from fabric to lithotype, lithofacies and geobody scale, with a focus on integrating pore-typing. The second aim involves the delineation of the CO2-origin of ancient travertine precipitating waters. Peloidal, phyto and dendritic lithotypes dominate the studied travertines and honeycomb and bacteriform shapes and encrusted bacterial or fungal filaments related to their fabrics suggest a microbial influence. The environment of travertine precipitation evolved from dominantly sub-aqueous, as represented by the sub-horizontal and biostromal reed travertine facies, to dominantly sub-aerial in a thin water film, resulting in the cascade, waterfall and biohermal reed travertine facies. A general progradation of the travertine mound is indicated by the occurrence of stacked waterfall travertines. This results in sigmoidal clinoforms inside a general mound boundary configuration. Strontium and oxygen-carbon isotope signatures of the travertines point to a mixing mechanism of palaeofluids with deeply originated, heavy carbon CO2 with lighter carbon CO2 of shallow origin. These deposits can thus be considered as endogenic travertines. Carbonates of the Lycian Nappes acted as main parent carbon source rocks. The relative contribution of the lighter carbon isotopes is most likely to have originated from organic matter or soil CO2. This study provides a unique three-dimensional insight into the Ballık travertine architecture that potentially can be used as an analogue for subsurface travertine reservoirs worldwide and illustrates the importance of the combined use of ?13C and 87Sr/86Sr signatures in the delineation of the CO2-origin of travertine precipitating waters. © 2015 The Authors. Sedimentology and 2015 International Association of Sedimentologists.
ISSN: 0037-0746
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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