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Title: Diagenesis/Metamorphism History of Lower Triassic Cigli Group Rocks in Uludere-Uzungecit (Sirnak) area (Eastern Part of the Southeast Anatolian Autochthone)
Authors: Tetiker, S
Yalcin, H
Bozkaya, Ömer
Keywords: Arabian Plate; XRD; Phyllosilicate; b unit-cell distance; Crystallinity
Abstract: This study aims to reveal the mineralogical characteristics of the carbonate and pelitic rocks in the Lower Triassic Cigli Group in the Uludere-Uzungecit (Sirnak) region from Southeast Anatolian Autochthone (SEAA). Cigli Group is represented by Yoncali Formation (dolomite-siltstone-shale with limestone intercalation), Uludere Formation (shale/shale with carbonate-clayey limestone intercalated with dolomite) and Uzungecit Formation (limestone with chert nodule-dolomitic limestone-shale) from bottom to top. In order of abundances of minerals obtained by XRD investigations as follows; Yoncali Formation contains carbonate (calcite, dolomite), feldspar, phyllosilicate (illite, chlorite) and goethite minerals, and Uludere Formation is made up of carbonate (calcite, dolomite), quartz, feldspar, phyllosilicate (illite, chlorite, mixed-layered chlorite-vermiculite/C-V, and very minor amount of kaolinite in only a sample) and hematite minerals. Uzungecit Formation has carbonate (dolomite, calcite), silica (quartz, opal-CT, moganite), phyllosilicate (chlorite, illite), and feldspar and hematite minerals. On the basis of illit Kubler Index values; Yoncali Formation reflects the degrees of anchizone; as for Uludere and Uzungecit formations, they have the degrees of anchizone-high diagenesis, respectively. Similarly, Chlorite Arkai Index (AI, degrees 2 theta) values indicate the grades of anchizone-diagenesis. Illites exhibit 2M(1) ve 2M(1) + 1M + 1M(d) polytypes and the values of b unit-cell distances show a composition close to ideal muscovite and low pressure conditions.
The rocks of the Cigli Group offer differences in terms of rare occurrence of kaolinite, appearance of moganite and C-V and the dominance of dolomite and hematite in most levels, and diagenesis/metamorphism grades are also high, when compared with the equivalent units in the Diyarbakir-Hazro area. Lower Triassic series regionally seem to have a deeper depositional environment, and have relatively higher maturation because of the volcanic feeding and tectonic burial in the Diyarbakir-Sirnak direction from west to east.
ISSN: 1016-9164
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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