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Title: The Effect of the Pre-period of Shams on Mawlana's Scientific and Spiritual Personality Formation
Other Titles: Mevlânâ nin ilmî manevî şahsiyetinin oluşumunda Şems'ten önceki· dönemin rolü
Authors: Türk, İdris
Keywords: Mawlana; Migration; Bahaeddin Veled; Madrasah; Seyyid Burhaneddin
Publisher: HITIT UNIV
Abstract: Mawlana Jalaladdin Rumi had lived in the guest and effort throughout his life. Thanks to this effort he was the one of the great scholars in his era. After meeting with Shams Tabrizi some changes took place in his inner world. Mawlana found himself in the personality of Shams and his Lord in his own personality. Besides that Mawlana's previous life from Shams as important as Sham's touch in his development of scientific-spiritual personality. Because, Mawlana had started to be effected by his environment and era since the years of Balkh. Mawlana's father Sultanu'l-Ulema ( Sultan of Scholars) Bahaeddin Veled was a great scholar and he was being wellcomed respectfully anywhere he went during the migration. So, Mawlana met great scholars and was effected by them. His knowledge level he reached in his fathers' health increased thanks to Seyyid Burhaneddin. He taught him Islamic myscticism. So, Mawlana had a mystic depth. Shams he met at the end of this process was a spark that burnt Mawlana.
ISSN: 1303-7757
Appears in Collections:İlahiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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