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Title: Hydrogeological investigation of subsurface of Cukurkoy surroundings (Denizli)
Other Titles: Çukurköy (Denizli) dolayının sığ yeraltı suyu hidrojeoloji incelemesi
Authors: Taşdelen, Suat
Güngör, Mahmud
Aydın, Ali
Keywords: Cukurkoy; Cankurtaran Village; Subsurface water; Water table; Isobath
Abstract: Cukurkoy graben, located at 13 km southeast from Denizli city, is a side basin with 96.4 km(2) surface drainage area which is connected to the Gokpinar dam catchment area through narrow strait. There are a lots of resources having various discharges on the western slopes of the Honaz mountain in the east of the Cukurkoy basin. These resources were originated from runoff from the ridges which is located between Tavas plain and Cukurkoy basin, and were formed the Gokpinar creek, one of the main tributaries of Buyuk Menderes river. In addition, subsurface waters feed these streams as leaks wherein groundwater level is very shallow level. By the time, local people had opened many boreholes and wells, and they caused to dry out of some continuous resources and streams. Discharge rates of scheduled pumping waters from boreholes are changing dramatically for short distances, because of irregularly located alluvial material. The flow direction of both shallow subsurface and surface waters of the basin outflows toward the northwest that is controlled by surface morphology. These shallow subsurface waters are insufficient for increasing requirements except for small and individual usages.
ISSN: 1300-7009
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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