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Title: A new method for generating initial solutions of capacitated vehicle routing problems
Authors: Karagül, Kenan
Kay, Michael G.
Tokat, Sezai
Keywords: Constructive Routing Heuristics, Vehicle Routing Problem, Initial Routing Solutions, Physics-Inspired Optimization, Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Publisher: Gazi University
Source: KARAGÜL, K , KAY, M , TOKAT, S . "A New Method for Generating Initial Solutions of Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems". Gazi University Journal of Science 31 (2018 ): 489-513
Abstract: In vehicle routing problems, the initial solutions of the routes are important for improving the quality and solution time of the algorithm. For a better route construction algorithm, the obtained initial solutions must be basic, fast, and flexible with reasonable accuracy. In this study, initial solutions improvement for CVRP is introduced based on a method that is introduced in the literature. Using a different formula for addressing the gravitational forces, a new method is introduced and compared with the previous physics inspired algorithm. By using the initial solutions of the proposed method and using them as RTR and SA initial routes, it is seen that better results are obtained when compared with various algorithms from the literature. Also, in order to fairly compare the algorithms executed on different machines, a new comparison scale for the solution quality of vehicle routing problems is proposed that depends on the solution time and the deviation from the best known solution. The obtained initial solutions are then input to Record-to-Record and Simulated Annealing algorithms to obtain final solutions. Various test instances and CVRP solutions from the literature are used for comparison. The comparisons with the proposed method have shown promising results.
ISSN: 2147-1762
Appears in Collections:Honaz Meslek Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu
Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
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