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Title: Hierapolis 159D nolu tümülüs ve buluntuları
Authors: Okunak, Mehmet
Keywords: Hierapolis
Publisher: Matsis Matbaa Hizmetleri
Abstract: Hierapolis No.159D Tumulus and Findings An uncovered tumulus revealed which belongs to Hellenistic Period and can be an answer to the questions about the foundation of Hierapolis, during the “Hierapolis North Necropolis Excavations” in 2001 by the presidency of Directorate of Denizli Museum. The tumulus named as no. 159D which placed under the podium of tomb no. 159. The tumulus constructed by ceased travertine blocks and formed with a short dromos and a square-planned chamber that covered by a cradle vault. This tomb is one of the rare samples which are revealed uncovered tombs in the Necropolis of Hierapolis. The finds of the tomb are bearing importance for the foundation date of Hierapolis, burial customs and establishment of local pottery production. The purpose of our study is, in the light of the finds of tumulus that excavated in 2001, to establish the contribution of this new tomb to the burial customs in the tumuli of the Necropolis of Hierapolis by scrutinizing the foundation date of Hierapolis. Besides, to establish the burial gifts if they are imported or local production by making necessary researches on them. Results of the study, the just revealed finds of tumulus no. 159D are proved that the Hierapolis ancient city held the city identity in the 3rd century B.C. The presence of the cremation burial custom beside the inhumation burial custom in the Necropolis’ of Hierapolis is proved by this tomb. Furthermore, this tomb exposed both the local pottery production and importation from the various West Anatolian centers (Pergamon, etc.) and oversea countries (South Italy) of Hierapolis which placed on a transition point in the Lycus Valley.
ISBN: 978-605-4701-27-8
Appears in Collections:Çivril Atasay Kamer Meslek Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu

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