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Title: Physico-chemical parameters and acceptability and of spleentreated beef patties
Authors: Özünlü, Orhan
Ergezer, Haluk
Gökçe, Ramazan
Akdoğan, Abdullah
Akcan, T.
Keywords: Beef
Sensory analysis
Beef patties
Iron content
Iron deficiency
Medical profession
Overall acceptability
Physico - chemical parameters
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Abstract: Iron deficiency is one of the world's most common disorders and it occurs when the amount of iron available is insufficient to meet an individual's needs. Spleen is known as a food product rich in iron content, and is a cheap offal. Therefore, consumption of spleen, both directly and indirectly, and especially for the treatment of anemia (iron deficiency) disorder is advised by the medical profession. However, consumption of cooked spleen is unacceptable to many people, due to its bloody structure. In this study, the effect of adding spleen at 0, 5, 10 or 15% to beef patties was studied and physico-chemical (pH, color and iron content) and sensory changes (color, odor, chewiness, flavor and overall acceptability) in the patties were investigated. Along with incremental increases of spleen content in beef patties, pH and iron content were increased, lightness L* and redness a* values were decreased, but yellowness b* values were not significantly different between the patties with added spleen (P>0.05). In terms of sensory analysis, panelists generally appreciated the patties with 10% spleen more than the other spleen levels. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
ISSN: 1755-1307
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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