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Title: Spatial variation of groundwater levels in Denizli
Other Titles: Denizli ili sınırlarındaki yeraltı su seviyelerinin alansal değişimi
Authors: Çıldır, Mehmet Ali
Dikbaş, Fatih
Güngör, Mahmud
Koç, Abdullah Cem
Keywords: Groundwater level; Denizli; Geographic information systems
Abstract: Fastly on the wane fresh underground water resources is about to be the cause of the greatest war of the future centuries. While the states are losing ground water resources, they begin to understand its significance better. Although humans are in need of fresh water, they don't act responsible enough and this invaluable source is continuously lost. Consequently, routine investigation and control of the water resources gradually transforms into an essentiality. Although there are some studies about the groundwater level determination in Turkey and Denizli, no one has a study about the groundwater level determination over whole Denizli city to this day, so this work aims to fill the gap in this field. In addition, another aim is to generate a data source for future researches. In the light of data from the observations, water levels map is generated by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis. The generated map is going to contribute to basic scanning of areal changes in water levels. At the same time, the study is going to provide guideline on determining for appropriate location to a new well drilling within Denizli city in view of economy, time and location. The study consists of two steps and in the beginning, the static water grades in deep wells at the provincial border of Denizli were gauged by a groundwater level meter. In the next step, the evaluated water level information was passed on to the GIS. At this stage, the data were converted into computer, so the groundwater level map was generated.
ISSN: 1300-7009
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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