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Title: Chitotriosidase enzyme can be a negative acute phase protein in acuteheart failure unlike coronary artery diseases [2016]
Authors: Sanlialp, S. Sara Cetin
Yildiz, B. S.
Barutcuoglu, B.
Sanlialp, Musa
Ergin, A.
Evrengul, H.
Kaftan, H. A.
Publisher: Tıp Fakültesi
Abstract: Introduction: Heart Failure (HF) is a complex, neurohumoral and inflammatory syndrome. Recent studies show that proinflammatory cytokines contribute heart’s systolic or diastolic dysfunction causing cardiac depression. Chitotriosidase (CHIT), an enzyme released from active macrophages, plays a role in many diseases involving inflammation. Therewithal, it has been observed that CHIT activity in plasma is significantly high in ischemic heart diseases with arterial inflammation. This thesis aims to figure out the role of CHIT in HF and the relationship between other cytokines. Method: 43 Newyork Heart Association (NYHA) class III/IV acute heart failure (AHF) patients who were hospitalized in the coronary intensive care unit (CICU), 48 chronic heart failure (CHF) patients and 45 healthy controls included in the study. All participants’ detailed echocardiography, doppler and tissue doppler measurements were performed and left ventricular ejection fractions (LVEF) were calculated by Simpson method. All participants’ plasma CHIT IL-1??????, TNF??????, IL-6, Hs-CRP and NT-proBNP levels were determined by ELISA method. Results: The lowest CHIT activity in plasma (527,876±323,04 ng/ml) is detected in AHF patients. It was observed that when LVEF of acute heart failure patients decrease their CHIT activity levels decrease as well. Also a negative correlation (p=0,038 and r=-0,32) occurred between CHIT activity levels and NYHA class levels in AHF patients. Conclusion: CHIT enzyme may play a role as a negative acute phase protein in AHF. Plasma CHIT value of AHF patients decreases when left ventricular systolic dysfunction increases and it is negatively correlated with NYHA values.
Appears in Collections:Tıp Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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