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Title: Superiority of Modified Polymeric Membrane with Nanomaterial on Temperature and Mechanical Stability and Application in Industrial Waste Water
Authors: Onaç, Canan
Kaya, Ahmet
Atar, Necip
Sener, I.
Alpoğuz, Hamza Korkmaz
Keywords: Chromate coatings
Mechanical stability
Nanostructured materials
Rate constants
Thermodynamic stability
Chromate conversion coatings
High permeability
High selectivity
High temperature
Mechanical structures
Membrane lifetime
Polymer inclusion membranes
Transport efficiency
Mechanical permeability
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Abstract: In this paper, we investigated the superiotires of carbon-based nanomaterial polymer inclusion membrane (PIM-GO) against to polymer inclusion membrane and removed Cr(VI), a highly toxic element typically used in chromate conversion coating in the plating industry, from the chrome plating water by using a PIM-GO modified with graphene oxide (GO), which strengthens the mechanical structure and permeability of PIMs. We performed experiments to investigate the membrance performance and structural ability ofthe PIM-GO, and lastly compared its performance to that of the PIM. We observed the PIM-GO's high selectivity and recovery (96.83%) in the removal of Cr(VI). GO added to the membrane structure caused a visible increase in the rate constant, permeability and flux.The PIM-GO affords opportunities to work with a wider range of pH levels, changes of which in membrane-based experiments with unmodified PIM shave caused significant decreases in flux and permeability. The ease of use, applicability, high permeability of the PIM-GO at high temperatures afford significant advantages over the unmodified membrane as well. The results of this study can aid the development of next-generation membranes with increased mechanical stability, the resistance to multilayered GO membranes, and the use of the membranes in industrial applications. Moreover, the high transport efficiency of the PIM-GO at temperatures exceeding room temperature is evidence of the improved thermal stability of the PIM-GO. In effect, our findings can inform the production of new membranes with increased mechanical stability, membrane lifetime, and usability in industrial applications. © 2020 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited.
ISSN: 2162-8769
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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