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Title: Geographic information systems based village roads management model for monitoring, maintenance and repairing purposes: Example of Denizli
Other Titles: Köy yollarının takibi, bakım ve onarımı için coğrafi bilgi sistemi (cbs) esaslı yönetim modeli: Denizli örneği
Authors: Murat, YS
Saldiroglu, S
Keywords: Village road; GIS; Traffic safety; Art structures; Denizli
Abstract: Geographic information systems has become a tool that is often used in many fields especially in developed countries, yet in Turkey while its been recognized and acknowledged by central and local authorities, its use in public services is still in only the crawling stages.
Within the borders of Denizli Provincial Administration Roads and Transportation Services Directorship, a GIS-supported study has been undertaken in order to update information on all village roads in the related area of responsibility and service and to aid the Directorships country infrastructure service with modern and technical methods over different analysis results obtained. In this study, executed with the Strategy Development Directorship, through using developed layers, topographic maps, satellite photos, etc. devised in fact for different purposes, it was aimed to ensure that the service concerning village roads are based on correct and update data. In line with the fast and sensitive analysis results obtained in this study as an attempt to ensure that public resources are used efficiently, it was aimed to put forth a pilot project to be used later on as a product which is thought to serve as a model to help re-plan village road constructions, determine lacking and incomplete cases, thereby establish a complete and integrated management plan.
ISSN: 1300-7009
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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