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Title: An efficient analysis for absortion and gain coefficients in single step-index waveguide's by using the alpha method
Other Titles: Alfa metodu kullanılarak ‘basamak kırılma indisli tekli dalga kılavuzları’nda soğurma ve kazanç katsayılarına ilişkin kullanışlı bir analiz
Authors: Temiz, Mustafa
Karakılınç, Özgür Ö.
Ünal, Mehmet
Keywords: Normalized frequency; Normalized propagation constant; Probability;
Confinement factor; Gain; Absorption coefficient; Loss
Abstract: In this study, some design parameters such as normalized frequency and especially normalized propagation constant have been obtained, depending on some parameters which are functions of energy eigenvalues of the carriers such as electrons and holes confined in a single step-index waveguide laser (SSIWGL) or single step-index waveguide (SSIWG). Some optical expressions about the optical power and probability quantities for the active region and cladding layers of the SSIWG or SSIWGL have been investigated. Investigations have been undertaken in terms of these parameters and also individually the optical even and odd electric field waves with the lowest-modes were theoretically computed. Especially absorption coefficients and loss coefficients addition to some important quantities of the single step-index waveguide lasers for the even and odd electric field waves are evaluated.
ISSN: 1300-7009
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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