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Title: Physical and Chemical Properties of a Type of Almond Called "Akbadem" Grown in the Aegean Region in Turkey
Authors: Nizamlıoğlu, Nizam Mustafa
Nas, Sebahattin
Keywords: Biyoloji
Abstract: A type of almond, called "Akbadem", grown in the Aegean region in Turkey were evaluated in terms of several physical and chemicial properties of nut and kernel. The average length, width, thickness, arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, particle size and surface area of nuts were 39.04±2.94 mm, 23.56±1.88 mm, 15.60±1.15 mm, 26.07±1.19 mm, 24.29±1.75 mm, 5053.05±1100.12 mm3 and 1565.14±225.63 mm2respectively. Corresponding values for kernel were 28.25±1.92 mm, 14.28±1.17 mm, 6.87±0.53 mm, 16.46±1.05 mm, 14.03±0.87 mm, 887.05 ± 167.28 mm3 and 533.90±65.86 mm2 respectively. "Akbadem" nut shell has a significant impact on the dimensional properties. Dimensional properties were decreased significantly than the almond nut to almonds kernel. The average almond nut shell thickness was determined as 3.35±0.34 mm. Akbadem nut gravimetric properties; thousand seed weight, seed density and bulk density were determined 4950±0.01 g, 1140±0.001 kg/m³ and 375±5.00 kg/m³ respectively. Corresponding values for "Akbadem" kernel were determined 1430±0.08 g, 1080±0.003 kg/m³ ve 485±5.00 kg/m³ respectively. Internal efficiency of Akbadem was determined as 30±0.50%. The "Akbadem" kernel was determined L-value 59.56±1.98, a-value 5.68±0.79 and b-value 16.74±0.54. "Akbadem" kernel shell is quite dark as shown in Hunter color values. Chemical composition of Akbadem kernel; moisture, total oil, total ash, protein, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and palmitholeic acid were 3.57±0.15%, 52.32±1.21%, 3.15±0.01%, 20.57±0.07%, 76.11±1.18%, 17.71±1.14%, 6.14±0.05% and 0.04±0.01%. "Akbadem" is seen that fatty acids and the relatively high amount of protein.
ISSN: 2148-6905
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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