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Title: Extraction of Cd2+ ions from MDLM System with TNOA carrier
Other Titles: TNOA taşıyıcısı ile MDLM Sisteminden Cd+2 iyonlarının ekstraksiyonu
Authors: Donat, Ramazan
Eyice, Melike İlknur
Keywords: Kimya, Analitik;Kimya, Uygulamalı;Kimya, İnorganik ve Nükleer;Kimya, Tıbbi;Kimya, Organik;Çevre Bilimleri;Matematik;Fizik, Matematik;Mühendislik, Kimya;Mühendislik, Elektrik ve Elektronik;Endüstri Mühendisliği;Mühendislik, Makine;Malzeme Bilimleri, Biyomalzemeler
Abstract: The extraction of Cd2+ ions via a new Multi-Dropped Liquid Membrane System: Extraction of Cd2+ ions from the solution phase wasstudied by using the multi-dropped liquid membrane system, which is different from other liquid membranes. The extraction of Cd2+ ionsthrough multi-dropped liquid membrane containing tri-n-octyl amine in kerosene as mobile carrier and protons as counter ions in the acceptorphase (CH3COONH4) was investigated. Donor, acceptor, and the organic phase in the reduced concentration of Cd2+ model time dependencecurves showed a good fit to experimental data obtained. The activation energy in the extraction mechanism of Cd2+ ions was calculatedto be 17.07 kcal/mol. The value of this calculated activation energy indicates that the extraction of Cd2+ ions with the multi-droppedliquid membrane system is chemically controlled. The experimental results suggest the possibility of removing Cd2+ ions from aqueoussolution in an extractor based on multi-dropped liquid membrane system.
ISSN: 2146-5150
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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