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Title: The effect of social media use to the time spent with family members
Other Titles: Aile üyeleriyle geçirilen zamana sosyal medya kullanımının etkisi
Authors: Ünal, Selime
Keywords: Arkeoloji;Sanat;Coğrafya;Tarih;Dil ve Dil Bilim;Hukuk;Müzik;Felsefe;Sosyoloji
Abstract: Today, human life has experienced significant change and transformation in the individual andsocial level in line with the technological developments. While these new communication toolspromise people to socialize easily in virtual environment, they also take people away from face toface communication. In this context, the effect of using Facebook on the time spent with familymembers in the family environment, which is the basic unit that underlies the firstcommunication skills and socializing of the individual, has been examined. Facebook users livingin Kütahya were selected by simple random sampling method and included in the research. Theparticipants have been selected from primary schools, high schools, vocational schools, andpublic education centers in Kütahya to cover individuals of all age categories. The data werecollected via survey forms which consist of questions prepared by getting expert opinions on thesubject. The data were analyzed by using SPSS software.
ISSN: 2146-1961
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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