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Title: A new test for liquefaction prediction: Electrical resistivity vibration penetration test (ER-VPT)
Authors: Toprak, S.
Jinguuji, M.
Keywords: City planners
Electrical resistivity
Electrical resistivity measurements
Field test
Lake Sapanca
Liquefaction potentials
Liquefiable soil
Penetration test
Pore-water pressures
Potential mapping
Probe penetration
Soil property
Civil engineering
Dynamic response
Electric conductivity
Engineering geology
Soil liquefaction
Abstract: The estimation of liquefiable soils and potential mapping of liquefaction are very important for city planners, building owners, and engineers to determine liquefaction prone areas and hazard levels. In this research, we propose a new method which directly uses dynamic response of soils to evaluate its liquefaction potential. The method, electrical resistivity vibration probe penetration test (ERVPT), utilizes a vibration probe, accelerometer, pore-pressure meter, and electrical resistivity measurement, to determine the liquefiable soils. In principle, the vibration probe is penetrated into soil and vibration is applied, and changes of soil properties such as its electrical resistivity in addition to pore water pressure are measured in situ. As part of this study, we carried out SPT, CPT, and ER-VPT field tests in the shore of Lake Sapanca, Adapazari, Turkey. The results of these tests are presented and ER-VPT test results are discussed herein.
ISBN: 9781615670444
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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