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Title: Antioxidant, Pharmacological, Medical Properties and Chemical Content of Rosa L. Extracts
Authors: Tolekova, Shyryn
Sharmanov, Turegeldy
Sinyavskiy, Yury
Berzhanova, Ramza
Mammadov, Ramazan
Kılıçarslan Aksoy, Özge
Yusi?fli?, Rusif
Abstract: Currently, increased attention is paid to plant raw materials as asource of biologically active substances. As a consequence of this greatscientific interest is dog rose (lat. Rosa), a genus of wild plants of the Rosaceaefamily (Rosales) and it is widely used as a medicinal, vitamin source and foodraw material. The species of Rosa genus have rich vitamin content and differentchemical structures. Dog rose has medicinal value as a multivitamin remedy.Many works have been devoted to the study of the dynamics of theaccumulation of vitamins depending on the forms and types of dog rose,geographic location, meteorological conditions, soil, fertilizer application andother environmental factors. The most economically valuable part of the dogrose is the pulp of the fruit. Rosa is used in official and traditional medicine.They also have anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic properties and abeneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism and, they regulate the activity ofthe gastrointestinal tract, enhance tissue regeneration, the synthesis ofhormones. In this review article, antioxidant, pharmacological, medicalproperties and chemical content of the Rosa genus has been discussed in detail.
ISSN: 2148-6905
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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