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Title: Civic Coinage of Attouda in Caria
Other Titles: Karia’daki Attouda’nın Şehir Sikkeleri
Authors: Türkoğlu, İnci
Abstract: The ancient city of Attouda is localised at Hisarköy of Sarayköy district in Denizli province and no systematic surveys or excavations have been carried out. As the site was registered as first degree archaeological site the contemporary village moved out and the existing architectural heritage started to deteriorate. The present study endeavours to build a corpus of coins minted by Attouda from publications, online catalogues and museum collections as well as some private collections. Based on more than 300 coins compiled a typology was prepared and these coins were evaluated to gain information on ancient Attouda was retrieved. Thus, it is noted that Attouda started minting coins in the Late Hellenistic period and continued minting until mid-third century AD. The Carminii Family is dominantly attested with many titles. In addition to the magistrate names, some light was cast onto the administrative bodies and cults of the city.
ISSN: 0569-9746
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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