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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 236
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Automated age estimation from opg images and patient records using deep feature extraction and modified genetic–random forestOzlu Ucan, G. ; Gwassi, O.A.H.; Apaydin, B.K. ; Ucan, B.
2024Translucency and Contrast Ratio of Dimetharcyrlate Resin Based Dental Materials After Bleaching: an In-Vitro StudyAkgul, Nilgun ; Yilmaz, Merve Nur
2025Knowledge, Awareness and Attitudes Among a Group of Turkish Dental Students Regarding Molar Incisor Hypomineralization: a Cross-Sectional StudyHilal, Ozbey Ipek ; Arif, Bolaca 
2024Comparison of different techniques used for inferior alveolar nerve block anaesthesia regarding the pain caused in cooperative childrenSari, F.; Ipek, H. Ozbey 
2024Evaluation of color and translucency changes of peek material veneered with single-shade composite resinsKaraokutan, Işıl ; Ayvaz, İlayda
2024A YOLO-V5 approach for the evaluation of normal fillings and overhanging fillings: an artificial intelligence studyAkgül, N. ; Yilmaz, C.; Bilgir, E.; Çelik, Ö.; Baydar, O.; Bayrakdar, İŞ.
2024Radiopacity and Microleakage Evaluation of Different Intermediate MaterialsYazkan, B. ; Açikgöz, G. 
2024Clinical Radiographical and Dental Features of a Langerhans' Cell Histiocytosis Patient: Comparison of the Preliminary and Fifteenth YearKarayilmaz, Huseyin; Erdogan, Yildirim ; Ciftci, Zahit; Cengiz, Ayse; Kirzioglu, Zuhal
2024Effect of adhesives and mechanical surface treatments on the hard relining of CAD-CAM denture basesKaraokutan, Isil ; Ayvaz, Ilayda ; Ozel, Gulsum Sayin
2024Assessment and comparative study of diosgenin doses in alleviating experimental periodontitisKizildag, Alper ; Lektemur Alpan, Aysan ; Aydin, Tugba Koseoglu; Özdede, Melih ; Ozmen, Ozlem
2024Perceptions and surgical approaches of periodontists and residency students for bone augmentation proceduresLektemur Alpan, Aysan ; Torumtay Cin, Gizem 
2024Demineralization effects of breast milk, formula milk and cow’s milk on the primary teeth. A study of SEM-EDX analysisErtuğrul, Ceylan Çağıl 
2024Investigation of four nickel titanium endodontic instruments, with cyclic fatigue resistance, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopyErtuğrul, İ.F. ; Arslan, H.K. 
2024How Effective Is Radiotherapy in the Ultrasonographic Structural Characteristics of the Submandibular Glands?Açikgöz, G. ; Akgül, H.M. ; Sezen, O.; Kızıltunç, Özmen, H.
2024Evolution of Esthetic Publications in Dentistry, Research Trends, and Global Productivity: a Bibliometric AnalysisMutlu-Sagesen, H.L.E.; Sagesen, E.A.
2024Effect of Different Adhesive Resin and Composite Veneering Materials on Adhesion to PolyetheretherketoneCinel Şahin, Sezgi ; Mutlu-Sağesen, Lamia ; Karaokutan, Işıl ; Özcan, Mutlu
2024Effect of particle size and application pressure in air-borne particle abrasion on the adhesion of polyetheretherketoneSahin, S.C. ; Mutlu-Sagesen, L. ; Karaokutan, I. ; Özcan, M.
2024Impact of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy on periodontal status in obese patientsAlpan, A.L. ; Cin, G.T. ; Aykota, M.R. 
2024Micro-coMputed toMographic assessMent of the influence of light-curing Modes on internal void forMation in bulk-fill coMpositesYenidünya, Ö.G. ; Misilli, T.; Ocak, M.
2024What is the most effective technique and composite for bonding aligner attachments to primary enamel?Çokakoğlu, Serpil ; Nalçacı, Ruhi; Tozlu, Murat; Altıntaş, Subutay Han
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 236