İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Koleksiyonu Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1507
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Internal audit in public banks in the framework of international internal audit standards: The case of TurkeyKaya, Yusuf ; Utku, Mehmet 
2021College majors and wages in Turkey: OLS and quantile regression with sample selection correctionÇiftçi, Cemil ; Ulucan, Hakan 
2023Attitudes toward the design of Islamic mobile shopping apps in Turkey: the case of hijab clothing mobile apps from the perspective of conservative consumersBaran T. ; Barutçu S. 
2024Income convergence of Indian states in the post-reform period: evidence from panel stationarity tests with smooth structural breaksMisra, Biswa Swarup; Kar, Muhsin; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Karul, Çağın 
2022Asymmetric Fisher effect in inflation targeting emerging markets: evidence from quantile co-integrationNazlioglu S. ; Gurel S. ; Gunes S. ; Kilic E.
2023Smooth structural changes and common factors in nonstationary panel data: an analysis of healthcare expenditures†Nazlioglu S. ; Lee J.; Tieslau M.; Karul C. ; You Y.
2023Economic Policy Uncertainty, COVID-19, and Tourist Stays in Croatia: Evidence from a Fourier Toda-Yamamoto Modeling ApproachPayne J.E.; Nazlıoğlu, Şaban ; Mervar A.; Niroomand F.
2023Regional tourism convergence: a disaggregated analysis of CroatiaPayne J.E.; Nazlioglu S. ; Mervar A.
2022Financial market integration of emerging markets: Heavy tails, structural shifts, nonlinearity, and asymmetric persistenceNazlioglu S. ; Kucukkaplan I. ; Kilic E.; Altuntas M.
2022Extending lifetime of Wireless Nano-Sensor Networks: An energy efficient distributed routing algorithm for Internet of Nano-ThingsGulec O. 
2022Convergence of oil consumption: A historical perspective with new conceptsNazlioglu S. ; Kassouri Y.; Kucukkaplan I. ; Soytas U.
2022Stochastic convergence of per capita greenhouse gas emissions: New unit root tests with breaks and a factor structurePayne J.E.; Lee J.; Islam M.T.; Nazlioglu S. 
2022A comparative bus selection for intercity transportation with an integrated PIPRECIA & COPRAS-GOzdagoglu A. ; Zeynep Oztas G. ; Kemal Keles M.; Genc V.
2022Testing Effects of the Treasury single account system on the cost of borrowing in the OECD CountriesÇınar, S.; Anavatan, A. ; Deyneli, F. 
2022Long-run dynamics between trade liberalization and income inequality in the European Union: a second generation approachAkyuz M.; Gueye G.N.; Karul C. 
2023A penalty-based algorithm proposal for engineering optimization problemsOztas G.Z. ; Erdem S.
2022E-Justice: A Review and Agenda for Future ResearchYavuz N.; Karkin N. ; Yildiz M.
2021Policies for Enhancing Public Trust and Avoiding Distrust in Digital Government During Pandemics: Insights from a Systematic Literature ReviewSevinç Çubuk, Ecem Buse; Demirdöven, Burcu; Janssen, Marijn
2022The Impact of Outsourcing and Innovation on Industry 4.0Gülel F.E. ; Arpacı Ö.Y. 
2022A Hybrid Fuzzy MCDM Approach for ESCO SelectionKundakcı N. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1507