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Title: Severe hypercalcemia and acute renal failure in an infant with subcutaneous fat necrosis
Authors: Becerir, Tulay Ince
Altincik, Ayca
Ozhan, Bayram
Yuksel, Selcuk
Keywords: Acute renal failure
subcutaneous fat necrosis
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Abstract: Subcutaneous fat necrosis (SFN) in the newborn is a form of panniculitis which presents with erythematous nodules and indurated plaques. Severe life-threatening hypercalcaemia can occur as a late complication. A 2-month-old girl presented with severe hypercalcaemia and acute renal injury as a complication of SFN. She was admitted to hospital with the chief complaint of failure to thrive. She had a history of therapeutic hypothermia. After successful treatment of the hypercalcaemia with bisphosphonates, the acute renal injury recovered spontaneously. In neonates with SFN, acute renal injury is a rare complication of hypercalcaemia. Timely prevention of the complications of hypercalcaemia in SFN is essential.
ISSN: 2046-9047
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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