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Title: K-Ar geochronology and trace-element geochemistry of 2M(1) illite from upper Paleozoic shale of SW Laurentia - Insights into sediment origin and drainage pathways in the Anadarko Basin, USA
Authors: Segvic, Branimir
Zanoni, Giovanni
Bozkaya, Omer
Sweet, Dustin
Barnes, Melanie
Boulesteix, Thomas
Sole, Jesus
Keywords: Illite age analyses
Illite geochemistry
Pennsylvanian Period
Sediment provenance
Detrital-Zircon Geochronology
Southern North-Sea
Polytype Quantification
Granitic Pegmatites
Isotopic Data
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma represents a major Paleozoic depocenter that existed along the rifted margins of southwestern Laurentia. In its infancy it accumulated a thick series of Cambrian through Mississippian detritus while further subsidence caused by inversion of the Cambrian Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen resulted in voluminous Pennsylvanian to Permian sediment. This contribution reports new data on K-Ar ages and trace-element geochemistry of detrital illite from middle and upper Pennsylvanian shale used to reconstruct sediment origins at the peak period of subsidence of the Anadarko Basin. X-ray diffraction was used to unveil mineral compositions and abundances of illite polytypes in two size fractions of separated illite ('1 and 2-1 mu m). K-Ar isotopic analyses were completed for both fine fractions, while the laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was done for the latter. All illite separates consisted of mixtures of authigenic (1M(d)) and detrital (2M(1)) illite. The Illite Age Analyses showed that the detrital age of Desmoinesian (Moscovian) shale is the late Ediacaran (584 Ma), while the age of Missourian (Kasimovian) shale is the middle Cambrian (512.5 Ma). Trace-element abundances of all analyzed illite, irrespectively of stratigraphic age, are consistent with those of mica from metamorphic rocks. Based on illite detrital age and geochemistry it was inferred that Desmoinesian (Moscovian) shale represents a mixture of Neoproterozoic and Cambrian detritus sourced locally, whereas Missourian (Kasimovian) shale records a provenance shift toward more distal easterly sources from the Ouachita-(Marathon) foreland. This study has proposed a sediment source transition between the middle and upper Pennsylvanian that likely reflected major changes in the basin paleogeography and progressive development of the east-west (transcontinental) fluvial systems.
ISSN: 0031-0182
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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