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Title: Examination of "pending Bill" Campaigns in Turkey during Covid-19: The Poverty-Assistance Vulnerability
Authors: Demirdöven, Burcu
Sevinç Çubuk, Ecem Buse
Tonka, Ali Can
Keywords: Covid-19
Digital Inequality
Pending Bill Campaigns
Poverty-Assistance Paradox
Digital inequalities
Digital literacies
Digital resources
ICT use
Internet connection
Pending bill campaign
Poverty-assistance paradox
Food supply
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery
Abstract: The digitalization process has been accelerated dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Governments have been involved in making digital resources that fill the gaps left by analogue activities from maintaining money or food supply to enabling support for vulnerable households. Seven municipalities in Turkey have launched online "Pending Bill"campaigns to support needy families that benevolent citizens can pay their bills anonymously on campaigns' website. ICTs, internet connection and digital literacy are required to apply for these aids. However, the 2021 report of Turkish Statistical Institute [1](TurkStat) on ICT use of households shows that the great majority of people disagree to manage and deal with public services by exploiting the capabilities offered by digital technologies. This paper opens a discussion on "the Poverty-Assistance Paradox"based on the question to what extent digital social assistance programs can be designed for vulnerable people. The analysis is based on the user comments under the titles related to pending bill campaigns in the most visited collaborative dictionary [2] in Turkey, "Ekşi Sözlük". © 2021 ACM.
Description: Pylones
14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, ICEGOV 2021 -- 6 October 2021 through 8 October 2021 -- 176270
ISBN: 9781450390118
Appears in Collections:İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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