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Title: The optimization of signal timings for signalized roundabouts using differential evolution algorithm
Other Titles: Sinyalize dönel kavşaklarda diferansiyel gelişim algoritması ile sinyal süre optimizasyonu
Authors: Çakıcı, Ziya
Murat, Yetiş Şazi
Keywords: Average delay
Differential evolution algorithm
Signalized roundabout
Publisher: TUBITAK
Abstract: Mankind who express that “Time” is more valuable than “Cash” at every turn, spend a large part of their time in traffic in daily life. Higher levels of loss of time, fuel consumption, noise pollution, etc. which occur especially at intersections controlled with the signalization system can also bring along psychological, economic and environmental problems. Possible problems that can be encountered can only be minimized by the intersection management strategy which has a correct and strong mathematical background. In this study, in order to increase the performance of signalized roundabouts, a signal timing optimization model which aims to minimize average vehicle delay at signalized roundabout is created. In created model, signal timings for each phase sequences and cycle time are optimized using Differential Evolution Algorithm. In the scope of the study, the effectiveness of the model is tested on VISSIM simulation software by using real traffic data which are collected from Denizli Kelleci Kardesler Intersection for different time durations. As a result, it was determined that the average vehicle delay at Kelleci Kardesler Intersection may be reduced up to 45% by created model comparing to current situation. © 2021, TUBITAK. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 2148-3736
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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