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Title: The role of data governance in cybersecurity for E-municipal services: Implications from the case of Turkey
Authors: Çubuk E.B.S.
Zeren H.E.
Demirdöven B.
Publisher: IGI Global
Abstract: The "e-Municipality Project" in Turkey has developed information systems (IS) for electronic municipal services since May 2017. This chapter discusses the role of data governance in relation to implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy for the project. Data were collected using a workshop with information technology (IT) officials of municipalities and semi-structured interviews with eight information IS managers about their experiences in the project. The research revealed that good data governance has been a prerequisite for any organization focused on its potential to transform processes, decision making and performance. Data governance delivers the insights that organizations need to identify their high-value and high-risk data sets and allocate additional or specific resources to protect this data. Good data governance for secured municipal services is related to a number of trade-offs between the different actors and their responsibilities. The dichotomy between centralization and decentralization of data governance can help to understand the management of cyber risks. © 2023, IGI Global.
ISBN: 9781668452868
Appears in Collections:İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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