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Title: Quality Characteristics of Biscuits Fortified with Pomegranate Peel
Authors: Urgancı, Ünkan
Işık, Fatma
Keywords: Antioxidant
Dietary fiber
Pomegranate peel
Sensory analysis Antioksidan
Diyet lifi
Nar kabuğu
Duyusal analiz
Abstract: In this study, some chemical, physical and sensory properties of biscuits prepared with various substitution ratios (0, 6, 12 and 18%) of pomegranate peel were determined. To this end, pomegranate peel substitution did not cause a significant alteration in the protein, fat and ash contents of the biscuits. Results show that the antioxidant activity (from 5.06 ?mol TE/100g to 288.38 ?mol TE/100g), total phenolic content (from 56.49 mg GAE/100g to 1108.35 mg GAE/100g), soluble, insoluble and total dietary fiber contents (from 1.93% to 9.31%) of the biscuits increased significantly by increase of the substitution ratio of pomegranate peel powder (PPP) in the formulation. Hardness decreased significantly with PPP addition in biscuits. It was observed a decrease in L and b color values and an increase in a values of biscuits by increase in the ratio of pomegranate peel substitution. The PPP added samples revealed bigger air cells compared to the control samples in the internal SEM micrographs. In sensory analyses, no significant differences in sensory parameters except taste and overall acceptance of biscuits were observed. Moreover, the panelists confirmed that they felt a more sour and bitter taste in biscuits prepared with 18% pomegranate peel powder and it was considered to be the reason of the decrease in sensory scores. Therefore, it is advised not to exceed 12% pomegranate peel powder substitution in biscuits.
ISSN: 1304-7582
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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