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Title: Analytical Approximation for Cahn-Hillard Phase-Field Model for Spinodal Decomposition of a Binary System
Authors: Tozar, Ali
Taşbozan, Orkun
Kurt, Ali
Abstract: Phase transformations which lead to dramatical property change are very important for engineering materials. Phase-eld methods are one of the most successful and practical methods for modelling phase transformations in materials. The Cahn-Hillard phase-eld model is among the most promising phase-eld models. The most successful aspect of the model is that it can predict spinodal decomposition (which is essential to determining the microstructure of an alloy) in a binary system. It is used in both materials science and many other elds, such as polymer science, astrophysics, and computer science. In this study, the Cahn-Hillard phase-eld model is evaluated by an analytical approach using the (1=G0)-expansion method. The so- lutions obtained are tested for certain thermodynamic conditions, and their accuracy of predicting the spidonal decomposition of a binary system is conrmed.
ISSN: 2149-1402
Appears in Collections:Fen Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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